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Notes to the Financial Statements

Note 6. Direct Loan and Loan Guarantees and Loans and Liabilities for Loan Guarantees

USAID operates the following loan and/or loan guarantee programs:

  • Direct Loan Program (Direct Loan)
  • Urban and Environmental Program (UE)
  • Micro and Small Enterprise Development Program (MSED)
  • Israel Loan Guarantee Program (Israel Loan)
  • Development Credit Authority Program (DCA)
  • Egypt Loan Guarantee Program

Direct loans resulting from obligations made prior to FY 1992 are reported net of allowance for estimated uncollectible loans. Estimated losses from defaults on loan guarantees resulting from obligations made prior to FY 1992 are reported as a liability.

The Credit Reform Act of 1990 prescribes an alternative method of accounting for direct loans and guarantees resulting from obligations made after FY 1991. Subsidy cost, which is the net present value of the cash flows (i.e. interest rates, interest supplements, estimated defaults, fees, and other cash flows) associated with direct loans and guarantees, is required by the Act to be recognized as an expense in the year in which the direct loan or guarantee is disbursed. Subsidy cost is calculated by agency program offices prior to obligation using a model prescribed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Subsidy relating to existing loans and guarantees is generally required to be reestimated on an annual basis to adjust for changes in risk and interest rate assumptions. Direct loans are reported net of an allowance for this subsidy cost (allowance for subsidy). The subsidy costs associated with loan guarantees are reported as loan guarantee liability.

An analysis of loans receivable, loan guarantees, liability for loan guarantees, and the nature and amounts of the subsidy costs associated with the loans and loan guarantees are provided in the following sections.

The following net loan receivable amounts are not the same as the proceeds that USAID would expect to receive from selling its loans. Actual proceeds may be higher or lower depending on the borrower and the status of the loan.


Summary of Loans Receivables, Net
(Dollars in Thousands)
  2007 2006
Net Direct Loans Obligated Prior to 1992 (Allowance for Loss Method) $3,824,147 $4,183,220
Net Direct Loans Obligated After 1991 (Present Value Method) 308,427 360,132
Defaulted Guaranteed Loans from Pre-1992 Guarantees(Allowance for Loss Method) 278,064 267,263
Total Loans Receivable, Net as reported on the Balance Sheet $4,410,638 $4,810,615


Direct Loans

Direct Loans
(Dollars in Thousands)
Loan Programs Loans Receivables Gross Interest Receivable Allowance for Loan Losses Value of Assets Related to Direct Loans, Net
Direct Loans Obligated Prior to 1992 (Allowance for Loss Method) as of September 30, 2007:
Direct Loans $4,900,067 $329,209 $1,405,129 $3,824,147
MSED 29 32 61
Total $4,900,096 $329,241 $1,405,190 $3,824,147
Direct Loans Obligated Prior to 1992 (Allowance for Loss Method) as of September 30, 2006:
Direct Loans $5,288,905 $382,077 $1,487,761 $4,183,221
MSED 31 36 67
Total $5,288,936 $382,113 $1,487,828 $4,183,221
Direct Loans Obligated After 1991 as of September 30, 2007:
Direct Loans $1,045,654 $4,330 $741,374 $308,610
MSED 150 24 357 (183)
Total $1,045,804 $4,354 $741,731 $308,427
Direct Loans Obligated After 1991 as of September 30, 2006:
Direct Loans $1,089,114 $16,501 $745,777 $359,838
MSED 150 133 (10) 293
Total $1,089,264 $16,634 $745,767 $360,131


Total Amount of Direct Loans Disbursed
(Dollars in Thousands)
Direct Loan Programs 2007 2006
Direct Loans $5,945,721 $6,378,018
MSED 179 181
Total $5,945,900 $6,378,199


Schedule for Reconciling Subsidy Cost Allowance Balances
(Post-1991 Direct Loans)
(Dollars in Thousands)
  2007 2006
Direct Loan MSED Total Direct Loan MSED Total
Beginning Balance, Changes, and Ending Balance            
Beginning Balance of the Subsidy Cost Allowance $745,777 $(10) $745,767 $716,853 $27 $716,880
Add: Subsidy Expense for Direct Loans Disbursed During the Reporting Years by Component:            
(A) Interest Rate Differential Costs
(B) Default Costs (Net of Recoveries)
(C) Fees and Other Collections
(D) Other Subsidy Costs
Total of the Above Subsidy Expense Components
(A) Loan Modifications $16,132 $– $16,132 $21,688 $– $21,688
(B) Fees Received
(C) Foreclosed Property Acquired
(D) Loans Written Off (39,020) (39,020)
(E) Subsidy Allowance Amortization 18,485 367 18,852 7,236 (37) 7,199
(F) Other
Ending Balance of the Subsidy Cost Allowance Before Reestimates $741,374 $357 $741,731 $745,777 $(10) $745,767
Add or Subtract Subsidy Reestimates by Component:            
(A) Interest Rate Reestimate
(B) Technical/Default Reestimate
Total of the Above Reestimate Components
Ending Balance of the Subsidy Cost Allowance $741,374 $357 $741,731 $745,777 $(10) $745,767


Defaulted Guaranteed Loans
(Dollars in Thousands)
Loan Guarantee Programs Defaulted Guaranteed Loans Receivable, Gross Interest Receivable Allowance For Loan Losses Value of Assets Related to Defaulted Guaranteed Loans Receivable, Net
Defaulted Guaranteed Loans from Pre-1992 Guarantees (Allowance for Loss Method): 2007
UE $387,894 $59,143 $168,973 $278,064
Total $387,894 $59,143 $168,973 $278,064
Defaulted Guaranteed Loans from Pre-1992 Guarantees (Allowance for Loss Method): 2006
UE $385,728 $61,980 $180,445 $267,263
Total $385,728 $61,980 $180,445 $267,263


Defaulted Guaranteed Loans from Post-1991 Guarantees

In FY 2007, the UE Program had $3.6 million in defaults on payments.

In FY 2006, the UE Program had $3.2 million in defaults on payments.


Guaranteed Loans Outstanding:

Guaranteed Loans Outstanding
(Dollars in Thousands)
Loan Guarantee Programs Outstanding Principal, Guaranteed Loans, Face Value Amount of Outstanding Principal Guaranteed
Guaranteed Loans Outstanding (2007):
UE $1,330,189 $1,330,189
MSED 17,010 8,505
Israel 12,700,332 12,700,332
DCA 1,282,332 498,517
Egypt 1,250,000 1,250,000
Total $16,579,863 $15,787,543
Guaranteed Loans Outstanding (2006):
UE $1,510,359 $1,510,359
MSED 17,010 8,505
Israel 12,869,563 12,869,563
DCA 870,636 400,940
Egypt 1,250,000 1,250,000
Total $16,517,568 $16,039,367
New Guaranteed Loans Disbursed (2007):
UE $– $–
DCA 129,455 51,782
Total $129,455 $51,782
New Guaranteed Loans Disbursed (2006):
UE $– $–
DCA 148,025 51,550
Total $148,025 $51,550


Liability for Loan Guarantees
(Dollars in Thousands)
Loan Guarantee Programs Liabilities for Losses on
Pre-1992 Guarantees, Estimated Future Default Claims
Liabilities for Loan Guarantees for Post-1991 Guarantees, Present Value Total Liabilities for Loan Guarantees
Liability for Loan Guarantees (Estimated Future Default Claims for pre-1992 guarantees) as of September 30, 2007:
UE $124,794 $138,203 $262,997
MSED (3,884) (3,884)
Israel 1,386,173 1,386,173
DCA 14,617 14,617
Egypt 163,429 163,429
Total $124,794 $1,698,538 $1,823,332
Liability for Loan Guarantees (Estimated Future Default Claims for pre-1992 guarantees) as of September 30, 2006:
UE $157,266 $155,429 $312,695
MSED (2,152) (2,152)
Israel 1,169,363 1,169,363
DCA 10,812 10,812
Egypt 170,191 170,191
Total $157,266 $1,503,643 $1,660,909


Subsidy Expense for Loan Guarantees by Program and Component:

Subsidy Expense for Loan Guarantees by Program and Component
(Dollars in Thousands)
Loan Guarantee Programs Interest Supplements Defaults Fees and Other Collections Other Total
Subsidy Expense for New Loan Guarantees (2007):
DCA $– $6,935 $– $– $6,935
Total $– $6,935 $– $– $6,935
Subsidy Expense for New Loan Guarantees (2006):
DCA $– $5,336 $– $– $5,336
MSED 86 86
Total $– $5,422 $– $– $5,422


Subsidy Expense for Loan Guarantees by Program and Component (continued)
(Dollars in Thousands)
Loan Guarantee Programs Total Modifications Interest Rate Reestimates Technical Reestimates Total Reestimates
Modifications and Reestimates (2007):
UE $– $– $– $–
MSED 1,408 1,408
Israel 9,035 9,035
Total $– $– $10,443 $10,443
Modifications and Reestimates (2006):
UE $– $– $– $–
Israel 34,372 34,372
Egypt 14,264 14,264
Total $– $– $48,636 $48,636


Total Loan Guarantee Subsidy Expense
(Dollars in Thousands)
Loan Guarantee Programs 2007 2006
DCA $6,935 $5,336
MSED 1,408 86
Israel 9,035 34,372
Egypt 14,264
Total $17,378 $54,058


Subsidy Rates for Loan Guarantees by Program and Component:

Budget Subsidy Rates for Loan Guarantees for the Current Year’s Cohorts
Loan Guarantee Programs Interest Supplements (%) Defaults (%) Fees and Other Collections (%) Other (%) Total (%)
DCA 2.08% 2.08%


Schedule for Reconciling Loan Guarantee Liability Balances
(Dollars in Thousands)
(Post-1991 Loan Guarantees) DCA MSED UE Israel Egypt Total
Beginning Balance, Changes, and Ending Balance            
Beginning Balance of the Loan Guarantee Liability $10,812 $(2,152) $155,428 $1,169,364 $170,191 $1,503,643
Add: Subsidy Expense for Guaranteed Loans Disbursed During the Reporting Years by Component:            
(A) Interest Supplement Costs
(B) Default Costs (Net of Recoveries)
(C) Fees and Other Collections
(D) Other Subsidy Costs 6,935 6,935
Total of the Above Subsidy Expense Components $6,935 $– $– $– $– $6,935
(A) Loan Guarantee Modifications
(B) Fees Received 1,043 45 2,069 3,157
(C) Interest Supplements Paid
(D) Foreclosed Property and Loans Acquired
(E) Claim Payments to Lenders (1,442) (420) (3,590) (5,452)
(F) Interest Accumulation on the Liability Balance 3,088 460 6,116 73,504 7,301 90,469
(G) Other (5,819) (3,740) 13,901 4,342
Ending Balance of the Loan Guarantee Liability Before Reestimates $14,617 $(5,807) $173,924 $1,242,868 $177,492 $1,603,094
Add or Subtract Subsidy Reestimates by Component:            
(A) Interest Rate Reestimate
(B) Technical/Default Reestimate 1,923 (35,722) 143,305 (14,062) 95,444
Total of the Above Reestimate Components $– $1,923 $(35,722) $143,305 $(14,062) $95,444
Ending Balance of the Loan Guarantee Liability $14,617 $(3,884) $138,202 $1,386,173 $163,430 $1,698,538
Beginning Balance, Changes, and Ending Balance            
Beginning Balance of the Loan Guarantee Liability $4,610 $(1,811) $149,557 $1,066,734 $148,051 $1,367,141
Add: Subsidy Expense for Guaranteed Loans Disbursed During the Reporting Years by Component:            
(A) Interest Supplement Costs
(B) Default Costs (Net of Recoveries)
(C) Fees and Other Collections
(D) Other Subsidy Costs 5,336 86 5,422
Total of the Above Subsidy Expense Components $5,336 $86 $– $– $– $5,422
(A) Loan Guarantee Modifications
(B) Fees Received 847 55 2,334 3,236
(C) Interest Supplements Paid
(D) Foreclosed Property and Loans Acquired
(E) Claim Payments to Lenders (168) (475) (3,254) (3,897)
(F) Interest Accumulation on the Liability Balance 879 8,784 48,272 6,625 64,560
(G) Other (692) (7) 18,604 17,905
Ending Balance of the Loan Guarantee Liability Before Reestimates $10,812 $(2,152) $176,025 $1,115,006 $154,676 $1,454,367
Add or Subtract Subsidy Reestimates by Component:            
(A) Interest Rate Reestimate
(B) Technical/Default Reestimate (20,597) 54,358 15,515 49,276
Total of the Above Reestimate Components $– $– $(20,597) $54,358 $15,515 $49,276
Ending Balance of the Loan Guarantee Liability $10,812 $(2,152) $155,428 $1,169,364 $170,191 $1,503,643


Administrative Expense
(Dollars in Thousands)
Loan Programs 2007 2006
DCA $12,244 $13,215
Total $12,244 $13,215


Other Information

  1. Allowance for Loss for Liquidating account (pre-Credit Reform Act) receivables have been calculated in accordance with OMB guidance using a present value method which assigns risk ratings to receivables based upon the country of debtor. Ten countries are in violation of Section 620q of the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA), owing $31.2 million that is more than six months delinquent. Nine countries are in violation of the Brooke-Alexander Amendment to the Foreign Operations Export Financing and Related Programs Appropriations Act, owing $440.7 million that is more than one year delinquent. Outstanding direct loans receivable for countries in violation of Section 620q totaled $21.4 million. Outstanding direct loans receivable for countries in violation of the Brooke Amendment totaled $401.7 million.
  2. The MSED Liquidating Account general ledger has a loan receivable balance of $29 thousand. This includes a loan pending closure. This loan is being carried at 100 percent bad debt allowance.

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