Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (revised 2005)

Manual Background

 Click here to download the Manual from the Internet or order CD

Click here to order a printed copy of the current Manual

Technical Assistance


The Department of Ecology updated the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington to correct errors, clarify statements, update design criteria and procedures, and apply recent research.  Local governments use the manual to set stormwater requirements for new development and redevelopment projects.  Land developers and development engineers use the manual to help design site plans and determine stormwater infrastructure. Businesses use the manual to help design their stormwater pollution prevention plans. The manual is useful for anyone needing guidance on sediment and erosion control for construction sites.  

Stormwater is the water that runs off surfaces such as rooftops, paved streets, highways, and parking lots. It can also come from hard grassy surfaces like lawns, play fields, and from graveled roads and parking lots.

Urban development causes significant changes in patterns of stormwater flow from land into receiving waters. Increased surface runoff flows cause stream channel changes that destroy habitat for fish.  Water quality can be harmed when runoff carries pollutants such as eroded soil, oil, metals or pesticides into streams, wetlands, lakes, and marine waters or into ground water. Managing stormwater runoff helps to reduce these significant pollution problems that make waterways unhealthy for people and fish.

The stormwater management advocated in this manual involves: careful application of site design principles; construction techniques to prevent erosion and the discharge of sediments and other pollutants; source controls to keep pollutants out of stormwater; flow control facilities to reduce discharge flow rates; and treatment facilities to reduce pollutants.

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How to Find the Stormwater Manual on the Internet

2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington

The 2005 Western Washington manual is divided into five volumes. You can download the manual volume by volume.  The downloadable volumes require version 4.0 or later of Adobe Acrobat Reader (If you do not have the free Acrobat Reader installed, click here to download it.):

To Download One or More Volumes of the manual:

Click on the volume(s) you want one at a time and you will go to Ecology's publication page for that volume. On the publication  page you will find a category called "Online Availability." The download link is next to the category and is a number followed by ".pdf"  (note: right click in the typical Windows environment allows you to choose to save the file, "target," to your computer):

How to Get Printed Copies of the Stormwater Manual

If you have a credit card, you may order printed copies of the manual or the manual on CD at the following Internet address:

You may also use this Internet site to get price information and then send a check or money order  payable to "Department of Printing" at the following address:

Department of Printing
P.O. Box 798
Olympia, WA 98507-0798

Make sure you include your name, mailing address, phone number, and the name of the publication (2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington). Allow about two weeks for delivery. If you have questions about ordering the 2005 Stormwater Manual, please call the Department of Printing at (360) 586-6360.

Prices for this revised manual are:
CD = $14.78 (includes files showing the redline changes from the 2001 version)
Manual = $65.23
Manual & CD = $72.42
Unfortunately due to the extensiveness of the revisions, updated pages alone are not available.

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Technical Assistance

Western Washington Continuous Simulation Hydrology Model (WWHM)

2001 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington

Ecology Contacts for Technical Questions

Herrera Environmental Consultants Cost Analysis Report

Review of 2001 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington

Letter to Governor from Independent Science Panel


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