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Agriculture, fisheries and food

  • 19/09/2008 - Animal welfare
    Abattoir rules revisited

    EU proposal on animal protection calls for changes in the way slaughterhouses kill cattle, pigs, poultry and other livestock.
  • 17/09/2008 - Agriculture
    Food aid to reach more of Europe’s poor

    Commission proposes increased funding for free food distribution scheme to help EU’s poorest.
  • 29/07/2008 - Fisheries
    Multinational fleets deployed in battle to save cod and tuna

    EU countries launch joint sea patrols in fight against overfishing of endangered species.
  • 05/06/2008 - CAP (Common Agricultural Policy)
    Rising food prices – EU responds

    International action and policy adjustments at home – EU proposals to mitigate the food crisis.
  • 20/05/2008 - CAP (Common Agricultural Policy)
    Move to modernise EU farming policy

    EU farming policy adjustment will allow farmers to maximise production potential to meet growing food demand.
  • 07/02/2008 - Food labelling
    You are what you eat – even if you don't know what it is!

    Food labelling to be made clearer and more relevant under new Commission proposal.
  • 21/11/2007 - CAP (Common Agricultural Policy)
    How fit is our farming?

    'Health check' of EU farming policy to make sure the sector stays fit for the new challenges and opportunities ahead
  • 17/10/2007 - Fisheries
    Illegal fishing – EU to act

    Illegal fishing and bottom trawling pose long‑term threat to marine ecosystems, well beyond EU’s territorial waters.
  • 20/09/2007 - Agriculture
    Healthy animals for a healthy Europe

    Under the motto "prevention is better than cure", EU unveils its first animal health strategy.
  • 24/07/2007 - Fisheries
    Europe looks to its seas

    EU acts to preserve cod stocks, help its fishermen and shape a sustainable European maritime sector.
  • 04/07/2007 - CAP (Common Agricultural Policy)
    European wine to get body back

    EU proposals seek to tackle surpluses, make the industry more competitive and promote European wine more effectively.
  • 14/06/2007 - CAP (Common Agricultural Policy)
    Fruit and veg farmers in latest EU farm reform

    EU one step closer to modern, consumer‑oriented farming policy as it reforms its fruit and vegetable market.
  • 30/03/2007 - Fisheries
    Catching only what we need

    EU bid to halt unnecessary waste of marine life by fishermen ditching unwanted catches, in an overhaul of fisheries policy.
  • 18/01/2007 - Agriculture
    Reindeer and "murderer's beer" at Berlin farm fair

    Over 400 000 visitors are expected to pass through the doors of the Berlin exhibition centre for international "green week", the city's annual farm and food fair. The event will be opened on 19 January by EU commission president José Manuel Barroso and German chancellor Angela Merkel.
  • 08/01/2007 - Animal welfare
    New rules mean better treatment for animals during transport

    Animals will suffer less stress and harm during land and sea journeys thanks to new EU rules on animal welfare.
  • 29/09/2006 - Rural development
    Commission finalises rural development budget allocations

    Following the decision of the European Council in December 2005 on the financial perspectives, the Commission has published the rural development budget for the 25 Member States for 2007-2013. These funds will go towards increasing the competitiveness of the farming and forestry sectors, supporting environmental programmes, as well as creating new jobs and businesses in rural areas.
  • 30/06/2006 - Agriculture
    EU wine sector to be overhauled

    The European Commission has unveiled on 22 June a proposal for a sweeping reform of the EU wine sector. After much consultation with the stakeholders, the Commission's preferred option is a comprehensive reform tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of the wine sector.
  • 20/04/2006 - GMOs
    Commission calls for more scientific consistency towards GMOs

    The Commission has proposed a set of measures to improve the control of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) before they arrive on European markets. The measures aim to bring about "practical improvements to the European GMO legislative framework", such as by reinforcing the scientific consistency and transparency of decisions in this domain. For this, the Commission will cooperate with the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA), which was founded in 2002 in Parma.