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A computer-based tool for selecting data on chemicals in the environment and for simulating their fate and transport in site-specific conditions. The software system consists of three components: 1. STF 2.0 (Soil Transport and Fate Database), which provides information on the behavior of chemicals in soil environments for use as input data on, for example, degradation rates and partition coefficients. 2. RITZ (Regulatory and Investigative Treatment Zone) and VIP 3.0 models. RITZ simulates hazardous chemical movement and fate during land treatment of oily wastes. VIP evaluates data using six different output options. 3. RITZ and VIP model editors, which are directly interfaced with STF 2.0 and aid in the creation of input files for the RITZ and VIP models.

 Installation Instructions

Environmental Sciences | Research & Development
National Exposure Research Laboratory
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