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Best Publication in The Condor

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John Eadie and Josh Ackerman
Above: John Eadie (University of California, Davis, left) and Josh Ackerman (USGS), coauthors and recipients of the Harry R. Painton Award for 2007 from the Cooper Ornithological Society. (Third coauthor, Tom Moore of UC Davis, is not pictured.) [larger version]

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientist Josh Ackerman, a research wildlife biologist stationed at the Davis Field Station of the USGS Western Ecological Research Center, and his coauthors John Eadie and Tom Moore of the University of California, Davis, are recipients of the Harry R. Painton Award for 2007 from the Cooper Ornithological Society for the best publication over the past 4 years in its journal The Condor. Ackerman and his collaborators investigated the risk-taking behavior and life-history characteristics of dabbling ducks by measuring their approach behavior during the waterfowl-hunting season. They found that species characterized by a "slow" life-history strategy (for example, northern pintails and mallards, which are less fecund but longer lived) were more risk averse than species with a "fast" life-history strategy (for example, cinnamon teal and green-winged teal, which are more fecund but shorter lived). Their results indicate that life history influences the risk-taking behavior of dabbling ducks and provides an explanation for the differential vulnerability of waterfowl to harvest. The award announcement appears in The Condor (v. 109, p. 991-994).

The citation of the award-winning article is: Ackerman, J.T., Eadie, J.M., and Moore, T.G., 2006, Does life history predict risk-taking behavior of wintering dabbling ducks?: Condor, v. 108, p. 530-546.

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Updated March 27, 2008 @ 10:26 AM (JSS)