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USAID education program develops and implements teaching methods which simplify the approach to becoming literate in modern standard Arabic.
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USAID Morocco
10 Avenue Mehdi Ben Barka Souissi, Rabat, Morocco

Last Updated on: September 22, 2008
Overview | Program description | Activities


USAID aims to assist Morocco’s basic education and vocational training institutions in preparing young graduates to meet Morocco’s entry-level workforce needs. The program is designed to work within existing structures, emphasizing the relevance of content for future use in daily life and the ability of instructors to deliver this content effectively. The use of information and communication technology (ICT), a special focus on girls’ and women’s participation, and the involvement of the business community and civil society are integral aspects of the work. Most of the program elements are implemented in four of Morocco’s 16 regions, in collaboration with the Ministries of National Education, Agriculture, and the State Secretariat for Training and Literacy and Non-formal Education. Moreover, USAID pursues the creation of public–private partnerships to help institutionalize program models for longer-term impact.


Training in ICT equips teachers, engages students
The USAID New Business Opportunities' program provided financial support for designing marketing tips and promoting the export-ready Moroccan businesses exhibiting in bi-annual Las Vegas Magic show
Scholarships for Success: Educating Parents and the Community
USAID helped local NGOs create a network of dormitories for rural Moroccan to continue their education and complete middle school in supervised away-from-home lodging while creating an attitude change in rural parents to see the value of schooling their daughters
A Bridge to Reading: New Training Methods Boost Women's Literacy
MUSAID education program develops and implements teaching methods which simplify the approach to becoming literate in modern standard Arabic