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Gulf Guardians making a difference

Pelican on the GulfThe Gulf of Mexico Program Partnership developed the Gulf Guardian Awards as a way to recognize and honor the businesses, community groups, individuals and agencies that are taking positive steps to keep the Gulf healthy, beautiful and productive. The eight annual awards were presented October 29, 2008, in New Orleans during a special ceremony commemorating 20 years since the founding of the Program.

The Gulf of Mexico Program is underwritten by the Environmental Protection Agency and is a non-regulatory, inclusive consortium of state and federal government agencies and representatives of the business and agricultural community, fishing industry, scientists, environmentalists and community leaders from all five Gulf States.

The Gulf Program seeks to improve the environmental health of the Gulf in concert with economic development and is proud to be celebrating 20 years of successful partnerships to protect the Gulf of Mexico. This year’s first place Gulf Guardian Awards were presented to the following:

The Gulf of Mexico Program


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