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Development and Evaluation of Procedures for Detection of Infectious Microsporidia in Source Waters

EPA Grant Number: R828042
Title: Development and Evaluation of Procedures for Detection of Infectious Microsporidia in Source Waters
Investigators: Rochelle, Paul A. , Leitch, Gordon , Visvesvara, Govinda
Current Investigators: Rochelle, Paul A. , Johnson, Anne M. , Leitch, Gordon , Visvesvara, Govinda
Institution: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California , Morehouse School of Medicine
Current Institution: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Morehouse School of Medicine
EPA Project Officer: Nolt-Helms, Cynthia
Project Period: May 1, 2000 through May 1, 2002
Project Amount: $294,635
RFA: Drinking Water (1999)
Research Category: Drinking Water


Microsporidia were included on the USEPA's Contaminant Candidate List and are considered a high priority group of organisms. However, very little is known about the occurrence of microsporidia in environmental water sources and there is a critical need to determine the role water plays in the epidemiology of this group of parasites. Moreover, there are no routine methods for detection of microsporidia in water. Therefore, the objectives of this research are to develop concentration and purification methods for recovery of microsporidia from environmental waters, evaluate molecular and microscopic methods for detection of Enterocytozoon bieneusi, Encephalitozoon intestinalis and Nosema algare, determine the viability and infectivity of detected spores, and determine the occurrence of infectious microsporidia in source waters.


The recovery and purification methods which will be evaluated include filtration of water samples using a variety of different filter formats and porosities (capsule filters, dual filtration, stacked foam filters), immunomagnetic separation, and density gradient centrifugation. Optimized PCR assays and microscopic methods will be used for detection and identification. Viability will be assessed using a spore germination assay coupled with a nucleic acid stain, a fluorescent dye exclusion assay, and phase contrast microscopy. Infectivity will be determined by inoculating spores into cell cultures and detecting infections using molecular and microscopic methods.

Expected Results:

The expected products of this research will be optimized and validated methods for detection of infectious microsporidia in environmental waters. Also, information will be obtained on the prevalence of microsporidia in environmental waters. This information will allow the water industry and public health officials to determine the extent of microsporidia contamination in water and hence determine whether water represents a significant route of transmission for these parasites.

Publications and Presentations:

Publications have been submitted on this project: View all 4 publications for this project

Journal Articles:

Journal Articles have been submitted on this project: View all 2 journal articles for this project

Supplemental Keywords:

drinking water, human health, pathogens, monitoring, biology. , Water, Scientific Discipline, Health, RFA, Drinking Water, Risk Assessments, Health Risk Assessment, Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Monitoring, public health, treatment, nosema algare, exposure and effects, phase contrast microscopy, spore germination assay, enterocytozoon bieneusi, human health risk, monitoring, detection, microsporidia, infectious disease, pathogens, encephalitozoon intestinalis, microbial risk management, contaminant candidate list, exposure, infectivity, microbial contamination, water treatment

Progress and Final Reports:
2001 Progress Report
Final Report

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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