OII: Office of Innovation and Improvement
Current Section


September 6, 2006

  • Guest Speaker: Assistant Deputy Secretary Morgan Brown participated in the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools' "Virtual Back to School Day" regarding the Administration's initiatives to expand and improve choice, innovation, and accountability in public education.

May 1 - 2, 2006

  • Conference/Showcase: The Office of Innovation and Improvement's Public Charter Schools Program hosted the "National Charter Schools Showcase," during National Charter Schools Week at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, in Washington, DC. For additional information about this conference, please see the agenda.

September 28, 2005

  • Conference: The Office of Innovation and Improvement's Office of Non-Public Education hosted the "Private School Leadership Conference," 8 AM - 3 PM at the U.S. Department of Education Headquarters Building in Washington, DC. for additional information about this conference, please see the agenda download files MS Word (32KB).

July 20, 2005

  • Web-Conference: The Office of Innovation and Improvement and Harvard University's Government Innovators Network co-hosted "Measuring Teacher Success: Innovative Developments in Assessing Teacher Performance," 1-3 P.M. Eastern Time. For additional information about this online web-conference, please view

May 1 - May 7, 2005

  • National Charter Schools Week Celebrations: Senior U.S. Department of Education officials will celebrate National Charter Schools Week by visiting charter schools across the country. For additional information, please view the schedule of events.

April 12, 2005

  • OII sponsored the eighth Innovations in Education Exchange at the U.S. Department of Education on the topic of "Choosing a School for Your Child." For additional information, please read the agenda for this event.

January 28, 2005

  • OII sponsored the seventh Innovations in Education Exchange at the U.S. Department of Education on the topic of "Lessons Learned from Education Service Providers." For additional information, please read the agenda for this event and view the webcast.

December 1, 2004

  • During December, OII program officers conducted download files MS Word (43K) Advanced Placement Incentive Program workshops sponsored by the College Board.

November 13, 2004

  • OII co-sponsored a one-day education summit for parent advocates, "Working Together to Make No Child Left Behind a Reality." The New York State Education Department and Every Person Influences Children (EPIC), an OII-supported Parent Information and Resource Center, were also co-sponsors. The purpose of the conference was to help parent advocates help New York City families, schools, and communities understand the implications of No Child Left Behind and such provisions as supplemental educational services and public school choice.

November 9, 2004

October 8, 2004

  • OII co-hosted a conference entitled, "Innovations in Education: Building a Public-Private Partnership Model for K-12 Reform," with the Philadelphia School District and Drexel University. At the meeting, U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige said, "A dynamic partnership of government, teachers, business, and parents transforms our schools, helps end the achievement gap, and makes American education inclusive for all students."

July 12, 2004

  • No Child Left Behind Research-to-Practice Summit. Secretary Paige, along with ED employees, welcomed more than 150 teachers who teamed up with researchers and teachers who have successfully used research in the classroom to improve student achievement.

June 16-18, 2004

  • OII sponsored the Charter Schools Conference, June 16-18, 2004 in Miami, FL. The charter school community shaped the agenda for the conference. For a description of the conference and the public outreach efforts, see Charter Schools Conference.

May 27, 2004

  • OII sponsored the sixth Innovations In Education Exchange at the U.S. Department of Education on the topic of "Creating Strong School Choice and Supplemental Education Services Programs." For additional information, please read the agenda for this event. To register, please rsvp at

February 25, 2004

  • OII sponsored the fifth Innovations In Education Exchange at the National Capital Region Building on the topic of "School Choice: Doing it Right" How to Best Implement the DC School Choice Incentive Act of 2003. U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige will be the keynote speaker. For additional information, please read the agenda for this event. To register, please rsvp at

December 2, 2003

  • OII sponsored the fourth Innovations In Education Exchange at the Charles Sumner School on the topic of "Closing the Teacher Quality Gap." U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige was the keynote speaker. For additional information, please read the agenda for this event. To register, please rsvp at

September 25, 2003

  • OII sponsored the third Innovations In Education Exchange at the U.S. Capitol on the topic of supplemental educational services. Acting Deputy Secretary Eugene Hickok offered keynote comments, and presentations were given by representatives of Sylvan Education Solutions, American Institutes for Research, the Colorado Department of Education, and the Black Alliance for Educational Options. For a press release on this event, and other outreach efforts related to supplemental educational services, see Supplemental Educational Services Press Release.

July 10, 2003

  • OII sponsored the second Innovations in Education Exchange, "Teaching American History." More details are available in the attached program.

May 29, 2003

April 15, 2003

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Last Modified: 09/21/2006