Operation Day's Work
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ODW Town Hall

Welcome to the ODW Town Hall! This is the part of our web site with information about our democratic student government. We also use this part of the site to conduct votes and keep records of the decisions of our government.

The ODW National Committee

Use this link to meet the ODW National Committee, read the minutes of National Committee meetings, and find out how National Committee members are selected.

Project Selection

This section is all about choosing a project to fund in this year's focus country. Visit this section to review project proposals and to learn the schedule for voting. You will also find examples of past years' project proposals.

Annual Convention

Each year, after the workdays are completed, ODW members gather to make decisions about the future of the organization including which country to focus on in the coming year. Use this area to learn about the convention and how you could be a delegate!

It's time to vote!

From time to time the National Committee will schedule votes to make ODW decisions. Use this link to cast your school's vote! The link will only be active during times that votes are being taken.