Operation Day's Work
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ODW Archives

The ODW online archives contain a history of the Operation Day's Work organization. We also keep items that are important to the organization that cannot be put online, such as the original signed copy of the ODW Constitution. Please send us anything that you think should be added to the archives.

The Collected Works of ODW

If you have thoughts on one of ODW's big ideas, write about it! Your short essays, poems or other works will be organized below for others to read and be inspired!

Solidarity - by Katie Grote, Thetford Academy

The ODW Photo Gallery

Our photo gallery has pictures of lots of things pertaining to ODW. If you have photos, you can send us hard copies or electronic versions. If you e-mail electronic photos, please be sure they are in .jpg or .gif file format. For our mailing address, click the "Contact Us" button on the left of this page.

The ODW Constitution

The original copy of the ODW Constitution is kept in a fireproof safe at USAID. It was signed by the students who attended the ODW Constitutional Convention in July 1999. Each year the Constitution can be amended at the Annual ODW Convention to reflect the needs of our growing and changing organization.

The 1999 ODW Quilt

The quilt pictured here was made of squares prepared by each of the pilot schools in the spring of 1999. It was presented to the First Lady of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton on March 16, 1999.

News Update Archive

Past news updates from the ODW office.