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Municipal Handbook

The Municipal Handbook is a series of documents to help local officials implement green infrastructure in their communities. Handbook topics cover issues such as financing, operation and maintenance, incentives, designs, codes & ordinances, and a variety of other subjects. The handbook documents are intended to serve as "how to" manuals on these topics, written primarily from the standpoint of municipal implementation. The handbook is being produced in sections, with each new element being released as it is completed.

Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure Handbook Series

Cover of the Municipal Handbook, Funding Options
Funding Options (PDF) (16 pp, 658K) (833-F-08-007) - This chapter on funding options describes strategies and provides case study examples of how local governments are generating reliable funding for green infrastructure. In order to effectively manage and minimize stormwater runoff with green infrastructure, municipalities must establish sustainable funding sources to move beyond the pilot phase and create a comprehensive green infrastructure program. This document identifies and discusses the two most common funding options communities are using for green stormwater infrastructure – stormwater fees and loan programs. A third source of funding – grant programs – is also available in limited amounts to support green infrastructure projects.
Cover of the Municipal Handbook, Retrofit Policies
Retrofit Policies (PDF) (23 pp, 2.37MB) (833-F-08-008) - This chapter explores policies and incentives used by municipalities to facilitate green retrofits within their stormwater programs. This document also troubleshoots the institutional and regulatory challenges of incorporating green retrofits into municipal infrastructure, and provides some solutions and case studies.

Cover of the Municipal Handbook, Green Streets
Green Streets (PDF) (19 pp, 1.8MB) (833-F-08-009) - This chapter evaluates programs and policies used to integrate green infrastructure into public spaces, roads and other transportation networks. The result is often an innovative system that includes a variety design elements such as street trees, permeable pavement, bioretention, and swales. The municipal case studies in this chapter highlight the benefits of greening transportation networks.

Cover of the Municipal Handbook, Rainwater Harvesting Policies
Rainwater Harvesting Policies (PDF) (16 pp, 1.45MB) (833-F-08-010) - This chapter addresses harvesting principles, designs, example code requirements, and policies and incentives of implementing a municipal rainwater harvesting program. Rainwater harvesting can reduce stormwater runoff, conserve potable water, and provide environmental and economic benefits. Barriers to implementation are also addressed, and case studies from across the country demonstrate successful rainwater harvesting programs.


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Last updated on April 27, 2009 3:33 PM