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FY 2008 Budget Summary
Summary of the 2008 Budget
Elementary and Secondary Education
Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Current Page Career, Technical, and Adult Education
Student Financial Assistance
Higher Education Programs
Institute of Education Sciences
Programs Proposed for Elimination
Departmental Management

Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Summary — February 5, 2007

Section II. C.  Career, Technical, and Adult Education


Programs in the Career, Technical, and Adult Education account, as they are currently configured, provide formula grants to States to further State and community efforts to improve career and technical education programs, adult education and literacy systems, and programs for incarcerated youth, and to establish smaller learning communities in high schools. The Adult Education programs, the Smaller Learning Communities program, and the State Grants for Incarcerated Youth Offenders program (authorized under the Workforce Investment Act, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and the Higher Education Act, respectively), are subject to reauthorization this year.

Career and Technical Education
(B.A. in millions)

  2006 2007 2008
Career and Technical Education
  State Grants
$1,182.4 $1,182.4 $600.0
Tech-Prep Education State Grants 104.8 104.8
National Programs 9.2 17.4 10.0
Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Career
  and Technical Institutions
7.4 7.4 7.4



The Administration requests $617.4 million for activities under the newly reauthorized Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 to improve the quality of career and technical education (CTE) programs so that CTE students can acquire the rigorous academic and technical skills they need to succeed. State grants under the new Perkins Act, which strengthened the program's accountability provisions, will support local programs that focus on improving the academic achievement of career and technical education students. The $10 million request for National Programs will support a new national research center on career and technical education, assist States in improving their data collection practices, and fund activities geared to improving career and technical education programs in high schools and community colleges. The request also includes $7.4 million for Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Career and Technical Institutions. No funds are requested for Tech Prep Education State Grants because the program duplicates activities allowed under the Career and Technical Education State Grants program.

Adult Education (Adult Basic and Literacy Education)
(B.A. in millions)

  2006 2007 2008
Adult Basic and Literacy Education
  State Grants
$564.0 $564.1 $564.1
National Institute for Literacy 6.6 6.6 6.6
National Leadership Activities 9.0 9.1 9.1
Smaller Learning Communities 93.5 90.4
State Grants for Incarcerated
  Youth Offenders
22.8 22.8



The Administration requests $564.1 million for Adult Education formula grants to States, $9.1 million for National Leadership Activities, and $6.6 million for the National Institute for Literacy. The request for Adult Basic and Literacy Education State grants will assist States in meeting a significant and ongoing need for adult education services. The request includes continuation of a $68 million set-aside for English Literacy/Civics Education State Grants to help States and communities provide limited English proficient adults with expanded access to high-quality English literacy programs linked to civics education.

The Adult Basic and Literacy Education State Grants program received an Effective rating in 2006 on the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART), reflecting achievements in the areas of data quality, student outcomes, and program evaluation.

Special Education and Rehabilitative Services  Table of contents  Student Financial Assistance

For further information contact the ED Budget Service.

This page last modified—February 5, 2007 (mjj).