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Peer Review Workshop Report on Draft Proposed Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment

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Continuing its emphasis on peer review and consensus-building in the development of ecological risk guidelines, EPA convened a 2-day workshop to discuss and peer review the Draft Proposed Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment. The workshop, held December 6 to December 7, 1995, in Washington, DC, brought together 25 peer reviewers and more than 50 observers from academia, industry, state agencies, EPA, and other U.S. and Canadian agencies. This report highlights the main comments and recommendations arising from workshop discussions. [Note: EPA published the Ecological Risk Assessment Guidelines in 1998 based on this workshop review and other comments received.]

In summary, workshop participants generally agreed that the Draft Guidelines represent an appropriate evolution toward a uniform strategy for conducting ecological risk assessments--one that can be used not oniy by EPA personnel, but also by a broader array of natural resource and environmental managers. Thus, the Draft Guidelines represent an important step toward improving the scientific soundness, consistency, comparability, and completeness of ecological risk assessments conducted in the United States and elsewhere. Workshop participants also agreed that the overall framework for and main elements of ecological risk assessment proposed in the Draft Guidelines are sound.

The Draft Guidelines reviewers encourage EPA to move forward with the document as quickly as is reasonable after considering the specific recommendations highlighted in this report.

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Note: a complete electronic version of this document that preserves its original appearance (such as in a pdf file format) is not currently available. However, a scanned version is available in image or text format from EPA's National Environmental Publications Information System. Paper copies may be ordered from the National Technical Information Service.


U.S. EPA. Peer Review Workshop Report on Draft Proposed Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC, EPA/630/R-96/002, 1996.


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Last Updated on Tuesday, January 03, 2006