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EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment (ROE)

Note: EPA has updated this document, but this version is provided as a courtesy to the public as a matter of public record.

Denice M. Shaw
by phone at:   703-347-8628
by email at:  roe@epa.gov


This document has been superseded by the ROE 2007 which can be found at:http://www.epa.gov/roeindicators

The RoE presents information on environmental indicators in the areas of air, water, land, human health, and ecological condition. The report is available for download and the RoE information is searchable via an on-line database site: www.epa.gov/roe.
In June 2003, EPA published its first national Draft Report on the Environment using available indicators and data to answer questions pertaining to national environmental and human health conditions. Two companion documents one for readers with a general interest in the environment (Draft Report on the Environment Public Report) and another for more technical readers (Draft Report on the Environment Technical Document) were released. These draft documents utilize indicators to describe current environmental conditions, trends, and data gaps.


Jun 2003EPA published its first national Draft Report on the Environment (ROE 2003).

Next Steps

The current plan is to release an update of this report every 3-4 years thereafter.

Downloads/Related Links

Additional Information


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment (ROE). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., 2008.
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