Who Are These Geniuses?

Taber Buhl
Director of Design, Sort of
We found this fella in the middle of nowhere in upstate New York. Overall, he's a pretty good guy. His favorite season is autumn. His favorite color is grey. Daily, you can find him clacking away at his keyboard while working on anything from skins to this web site, and any other odd jobs that people throw at him. Although he's not much of a reader, he always holds the door open for people. Which is nice.

Dave Newton
Master of the adserve
Dave is the guy that brings you all the lovely adverts you see at the top of the pages on Winamp.com. He is the killer of pop-ups and eyeblasters. Thanks Dave. When he isn't playing video games or making sweet love to wayward Canadians he likes to pretend that Ween songs actually make sense. He's the long haired hippy freak sitting beside the television.

Ben Allison
Alien-like skillz
Ben was born on a far away planet as a child prodigy. Unfortunately that planet was taken over by vikings, so his parents put him into a small rocket that happened upon Earth. He landed in Brazil where he worked on small engines and honed his skeet shooting skills. Later, he moved to the states and picked up computer programming. Immediately after setting foot on Winamp territory, he absorbed all of the Winamp code into his thin, slimy alien skin membrane. Although a bit messy, this allows for superior bug squashing.

Ben London
Empire builder v2
Don't let the name fool you, this guy is totally not British! But he does build empires. The large, encompassing empires that Ben builds will make you cower with delight! Known for his ping pong skills and equally excellent people skills, he is cherished far and wide throughout the company as "the go-to guy for Winamp stuff who is also good at ping pong."

Maksim Tyrtyshny
From Russia with hertz
Maksim is a hard-working, yet fun-loving Russian guy. When he's not intercepting and decoding satellite signals or doing keg stands, he is likely bossing around his small army of chainsmoking fishermen thugs. Maksim picks out the best places to eat lunch, and has a penchant for fine beer. Oh, he's a superfly programmer, too.

Chris Edwards
Beer Police Quebec
As long as your web site doesn't have any frames you are on Chris' good side. He knows the ins and the outs of the Internet web technologies... and the underlying circuitry as well! I know what you're saying; everyone knows about the Internet, what does he DO? Well, you'll see! He has his work cut out for him too, because this site, she's old and dusty.

Will Fisher
One-man Winamp UK empire
Will runs our electronics laboratory in Cambridge, UK (far away from the swamp, aka Virginia, that Nullsoft calls home). There, he's busy getting Winamp to talk to every device he can get his hands on, from the coolest new cell phone to your Dad's old 8-track player. He is probably best known for his ml_ipod plug-in which is part of ml_pmp, now ml_included in Winamp 5.2+! Cheers, m8!


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