/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 17:21:36 Nov 9, 2008 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 21:17:36 Jul 10, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* YOU ARE IN PROD ENG -- modif write scripts 050107 - Load RSS 040107 - Activated survey 23-01 - vers 20-01-06 FAVICON - 21-09-05 TB SRT - AV FUNCTIONS 01-04-05 - COOKIES 25-01-05 for tests LOAD JS COOKIES */ /* 04-01-07 modif 24-05-05 COMMENT WORKAROUND FOR NORTON IS */ // ADD FAVICO TO ALL PAGES 20-10-06 document.write(""); /* TEST PLATFORM 2-7-03 */ function GetMyPlatform() { var isMac = 0; if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac') != -1) { isMac = 1; return(isMac); } } // END FUNCTION /* TEST Browser Version 2-7-03 */ function GetMyBrowser() { var useragent = navigator.userAgent; var bName = (useragent.indexOf('Opera') > -1) ? 'Opera' : navigator.appName; var pos = useragent.indexOf('MSIE'); if (pos > -1) { bVer = useragent.substring(pos + 5); var pos = bVer.indexOf(';'); var bVer = bVer.substring(0,pos); } var pos = useragent.indexOf('Opera'); if (pos > -1) { bVer = useragent.substring(pos + 6); var pos = bVer.indexOf(' '); var bVer = bVer.substring(0, pos); } if (bName == "Netscape") { var bVer = useragent.substring(8); var pos = bVer.indexOf(' '); var bVer = bVer.substring(0, pos); } if (bName == "Netscape" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 5) { var pos = useragent.lastIndexOf('/'); var bVer = useragent.substring(pos + 1); } //document.writeln('Browser Name: ' + bName + '
'); //document.writeln('Browser Version: ' + bVer + '
'); //alert(bName); if (bName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'){ bName = 'msie'; } //alert(bName); return(bName+bVer) } // End FUNCTION /* SET VAR FOR Right to Left (ara) for TB JS vers 27-05-03 */ var bodyWithRTL = 0; if (dbWebBuilder.toLowerCase()=="/web/ara/icrcara.nsf"){ bodyWithRTL = 1; } //LOAD JS PER LANG 15-09 switch(dbWebBuilder.toLowerCase()) { case "\/web\/eng\/icrceng.nsf" : document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD Functions WebTrend document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); break; case "\/web\/fre\/icrcfre.nsf" : //alert("FRE"); document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD Functions WebTrend document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); break; case "\/web\/ara\/icrcara.nsf" : document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD Functions WebTrend document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); break; case "\/web\/por\/icrcpor.nsf" : document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD Functions WebTrend document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); break; case "\/web\/spa\/icrcspa.nsf" : document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD Functions WebTrend document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); break; case "\/web\/rus\/icrcrus.nsf" : document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD Functions WebTrend document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); break; case "\/web\/chi\/icrcchi.nsf" : document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD Functions WebTrend document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); break; default : myload="No load"; } //END SWITCH // Test Load RSS 040107 //LOAD RSS document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); /* LOAD OTHER JS --- SAVED AS A SITEACHITEK JavaScript -- Version JS NAMES 7-7-03 */ //LOAD JavaScripts FOR ALL LANGS //LOAD findDom 5P5EYQ document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD CSS 5P4H6J document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD PULLDOWN MENUS - TEST IF Browser IE5.0 ID normal 5P4JZX --- ID ie5.0 5P5LHW if(GetMyBrowser().substr(0,7) == "msie5.0") {document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); } else {document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); } //LOAD Function loadcomb ORIG MANU 5P4LGP document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD Function loadcomb ANCHORS DVD 5P9FBJ document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD MultiNavigation ARROWS 5P4GCC document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD Functions ZOOM images - EXAMPLE WITH NAME functions Zoom image document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD JS ANCHORS / new 8-7-03 for tests document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD JS COOKIES / new 25-01-05 for tests document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD JS ENCADRES - new 01-04-05 for tests document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD AV FUNCTIONS TEST - new 01-04-05 for tests document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD FUNCTIONS cookies survey document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD FUNCTIONS Special survey //document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD FUNCTIONS NEW SEARCH 11-05-06 document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD Functions OrderOnline document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //LOAD Functions send email document.write("<\/SCR"+"IPT>"); //END LOAD JS