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Coffeyville, Oklahoma Flood & Oil Response

Aerial photo of Coffeyville, Kansas oil tanks Flooding showing oil slick at Coffeyville Kansas Oil slick path at Coffeville, Kansas

A crude oil spill occurred at the Coffeyville Resources facility in Coffeyville, Kansas near the northeast Oklahoma border. EPA Region 7 is responding to the source and is on scene with the facility to coordinate spill activities. Flooding in the area has caused the oil spill to impact the Verdigris River that flows downstream into Oklahoma in Nowata County.

On July 2, 2007, EPA Region 6 responded to support the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) response efforts. Region 6 EPA On-Scene Coordinators (OSC) are coordinating with OSCs in Region 7 as well as State OSCs in Kansas and Oklahoma. EPA Region 6 continues to support ODEQ by conducting the following activities: assessments, surface water sampling, and oversight of RP activities.

Working with the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collected water samples on July 5, 2007, at three locations along the Verdigris River and at three locations in Lake Oologah.

The sampling locations targeted drinking water intake locations. These water samples were tested for organic chemicals, pesticides, PCBs, metals and bacterial contaminants. Metals were detected in each sample at concentrations consistent with what would be expected for sediment-laden surface water. No metals were found at concentrations that would pose a short- or long-term health effect. At some locations, manganese was found to exceed its non-health based Secondary Maximum Concentration Limit (MCL) which is based upon preventing the discoloration of clothes during laundering. Some organic chemicals, normally found in refined petroleum products, were detected in samples collected along the Verdigris River, but at concentrations that would not be expected to pose a health hazard.

Oklahoma Water Samples Data Report ( PDF, 63 pp., 160 KB)
Sampling Locations Map ( PDF, 1 pp., 8.8 MB)

ODEQ and EPA continue to oversee the oil containment and cleanup work conducted by the Coffeyville refinery and to collect water samples from the Verdigris River. ODEQ and EPA are also working closely with local officials as recovery efforts move forward.

Other Links

July 13 News Release: EPA Reports on Coffeyville Oil Spill Air and Water Samples

July 10 News Release: EPA and Refinery Reach Agreement to Address Coffeyville Oil Spill

July 6 News Release: Citizens Warned About Fecal Coliform in Flooded Areas

July 3 News Release: EPA Region 7 and ATSDR Provide Recommendations to Residents Returning to Flooded Homes in Coffeyville, Kansas

July 2 News Release: EPA Region 7 Responds to Oil Spill in Coffeyville, Kansas

Fact Sheet: Return Home Safely! Safety Recommendations for Returning to Your Home after a Flood (2 pp., 101 KB) [PDF]

Flooding Tips - How to recover and reduce risks

Informational Fliers

Say No to CO! (carbon monoxide) (1 page, 106 KB) [PDF]
Electricity is SHOCKING! (1 page, 89KB) [PDF]
Drink Safe Water (1 page, 68 KB) [PDF]
Eat Safe Food (1 page, 144 KB) [PDF]
Get Rid of Mold (1 page, 169 KB) [PDF]
Wash Your Hands (1 page, 91 KB) [PDF]
Kill Germs With Bleach (1 page, 147 KB) [PDF]

Public Service Announcements

"Flood Water" (:30 secs, 473kb, MP3) en Español
Dealing with polluted flood water creates important challenges. Here’s what to do. Remove standing water quickly. Discard wet, absorbent materials that can’t be thoroughly cleaned and dried. Dry out the building. When fumes aren’t a problem and if electricity is available and safe, remove moisture by closing windows and running a dehumidifier or window air conditioner. Limit your contact with flood water. Don’t even breathe mists from flood water. When cleaning, wear gloves, goggles, and a respirator or a dust mask. From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

"Private Wells and Flood Water" (:30 secs, 472kb, MP3) en Español
Flood water can contaminate private wells. No public agency monitors the water quality inside these wells. That’s the responsibility of the owner. Don’t use water from a flooded well for any purpose until you’ve talked with proper health authorities. Don’t turn on the pump and don’t flush the well. You should have the well disinfected by a well contractor. Afterward, have the water sampled and tested to make sure it’s safe. Just because it looks and smells safe, doesn’t mean it actually is. This message is from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

"Household Cleaners" (:30 secs, 473kb, MP3) en Español
Flood cleanup involves cleaners, disinfectants, and pesticides...used carefully. Mixing household cleaners and disinfectants — such as bleach and ammonia — can produce dangerous toxic fumes. Open windows and doors. Don’t stay in a room longer than necessary, and allow plenty of time to air out the room. If it’s safe to use electricity, use fans to keep the air circulating. Keep all household products out of sight and away from children. Call 1-800-222-1222 immediately in case of poisoning. From U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.



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