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Remedial Action - RA

Confidential Documents

Glossary of terms relating to file structure phase activities and file categories

Descriptions of 23.00 - 23.99 SRC Folder Code HZ/SF/RE/RA NARA General Records Schedule  N1-412-99-23


The Remedial Action (RA) file opens when bids are opened and is closed when the final RA or construction report is accepted. The RA phase implements the remedy outlined during the Remedial Design (RD) phase and prepares the site for long-term monitoring and maintenance.  Note that each operable unit may require its own RA set; separation of operable units should be made upon consultation with the site management team.  Contractor documentation which contains material protected as Confidential Business Information, or, due to the Privacy Act should not be included within this category, unless redacted.  Alternatively, contractor reports may be designed to facilitate separation of progress reporting, total hours, and total hours for that month from protected information.  The sections of the monthly progress reports containing detailed cost information are filed in Contractor Confidential [CC].

SDMS Keyword (Click on keyword to see description)

23.20 As Built Drawing
23.12 Contractor Selection Information
23.18 Final Inspection
23.19 Final Remedial Action Report
23.24 General Correspondence
23.22 Manifest / Chain of Custody
23.01 Monthly Site Status Summary (unless confidential)
23.23 Natural Resource Trustee [Moved to RT phase]
23.14 PRP Deliverable
23.17 Pre-Final Inspection
23.11 Proposal and Bid
23.21 Review Approval
23.06 Sampling and Analysis Done by EPA
23.09 Sampling and Analysis Done by Others than EPA, PRP, or State
23.08 Sampling and Analysis Done by PRP
23.07 Sampling and Analysis Done by State
23.15 Schedule
23.10 Statement of Work
23.02 Technical Progress Report, EPA Contractor
23.05 Technical Progress Report, Oversight Contractor
23.04 Technical Progress Report, PRP Contractor
23.03 Technical Progress Report, State Contractor
23.16 Trial Burn
23.13 Workplan and/or Amendment

23.99 Other

SDMS Keyword Description

23.01 Monthly Site Status Summary (unless confidential)
This is the monthly summary of work done on the site prepared by the Remedial Project Manager (RPM) during the RA phase.

23.02 Technical Progress Report, EPA Contractor
These are the monthly progress reports or other reports required of the EPA contractor doing work during the RA phase.  These reports cover the technical information about work performed.  If the report includes detailed cost information, the confidential information should be filed in the Contractor Confidential (CC) under the keyword code 91.04, Technical Progress Reports.

23.03 Technical Progress Report, State Contractor
When the state is doing the Remedial Action under a Cooperative Agreement, they often provide EPA with a copy of their contractor's monthly progress report.  This report details the technical work performed, community relations activities, change orders, problems encountered, projected work for the next period, and daily reports. 

23.04 Technical Progress Report, PRP Contractor
When the contractor is hired directly by the PRP to do Remedial Action work, a monthly progress report must be submitted to EPA.  This report details work performed, community relations activities, change orders, problems encountered, projected work for the next period, and daily reports.

23.05 Technical Progress Report, Oversight Contractor
These are any formal reports filed by EPA's oversight contractor about the Remedial Action work being performed by the PRP or their contractor.

23.06 Sampling and Analysis Done by EPA
These are reports summarizing raw data related to any samples taken at the site by EPA or their contractors and sent to the Contract Lab Program (CLP), EPA Lab, ARC Lab, etc. for analysis during the Remedial Action phase.  Sampling and Analysis Data is stored In house until QA/QC done, then sent to off-site storage; only transmittals, analytical summaries, and chain-of-custody forms should be placed in the phase/activity file.  Target sheets with the accession numbers of the boxes containing full packages should be placed with copied documents.  The entire packages should remain intact for off-site storage.

23.07 Sampling and Analysis Done by State
These are reports summarizing raw data related to any samples taken at the site by the state or their contractors for analysis during the Remedial Action phase. Sampling and Analysis Data are stored in-house until QA/QC done, then sent to off-site storage. Only transmittals, analytical summaries, and chain-of-custody forms should placed in the phase/activity site file.  Target sheets with the accession numbers of the boxes containing full packages should be placed with copied documents.  The entire packages would stay intact for off-site storage.

23.08 Sampling and Analysis Done by PRP
These are reports summarizing raw data related to any samples taken at the site by the PRP or their contractors during the Remedial Action phase.  Sampling and Analysis Data are stored in-house until QA/QC done, then sent to off-site storage; only transmittals, analytical summaries, and chain-of-custody forms should be placed in the phase/activity file.  Target sheets with the accession numbers of the boxes containing full packages should be placed with the copied documents.  The entire packages would stay intact for off-site storage.

23.09 Sampling and Analysis Done by Other than EPA, PRP, or State
These are reports summarizing raw data related to any samples taken at the site during the Remedial Action phase by some party other than EPA or the PRP or their contractors.  This could be sampling done by the state or local government, environmental green groups, etc.  Sampling and analysis data are stored in-house until QA/QC done, then sent to off-site storage.  Only transmittals, analytical summaries, and chain-of-custody forms should be placed in the phase/activity file.  Target sheets with the accession numbers of the boxes containing full packages should be placed with the copied documents.  The entire package should remain intact for off-site storage.

23.10 Statement of Work
This is an EPA document outlining work to be performed.  This is the technical direction from the EPA.  Also included is an Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) of the time and costs for each task.  If includes confidential information, redact and file unredacted original in Contractor Confidential [CC ].

23.11 Proposal and Bid
This is the documentation submitted by prospective contractors containing their cost estimate and qualifications to construct the project.  These are sealed bids that are opened publicly at a certain place, date, and time.

23.12 Contractor Selection Information
These are any documents related to the selection of a contractor including  information about the qualifications of the contractor and EPA approval as specified in the Consent Decree for a PRP contractor.

23.13 Workplan and/or Amendment
A workplan outlines the approach for activities as submitted by those responsible for undertaking the work for RA.  There is generally a draft submitted for review and comments and then a final.  Following final approval to the workplan, amendments are used to change what was originally designated or agreed upon.  Workplans can include plans for sampling plans, the Health and Safety plan, Contingency plan, QA/QC plans, etc.  If the workplan is for an EPA contractor and includes detailed cost information the entire workplan should be filed in Contractor Confidential - Cost Proposals [91.01].

23.14 PRP Deliverable
These are any reports submitted by the PRP under the terms of the Consent Decree or Administrative Order on Consent.

23.15 Schedule
This is the timetable or agenda for the work to be done by the contractor.  This could be a time line, Grant, Critical Path Method (CPM), or similar chart.

23.16 Trial Burn
Test or trial of the incineration equipment or system to ensure that it is operating properly.

23.17 Pre-final Inspection
This is an inspection conducted by the EPA or the lead agency to determine that the contractor(s) have constructed the remedy in accordance with design plans and specifications.  Documentation of this inspection can include a letter report of the inspection and a punch list of minor items to be corrected by the contractor.

23.18 Final Inspection
A walk-through inspection conducted at the completion of construction by the lead agency (EPA, State, or other federal agency).

23.19 Final Remedial Action Report
After the final inspection, a final RA report is submitted by the contractor within 60 days.  This report includes a brief description of the Statement Of Work (SOW), certification that the work was performed, an explanation of any modifications to the original plans, and certification that the remedy is operational and functional.

23.20 As Built Drawing
This is a set of drawings which would be included as part of the final RA report detailing the construction as completed and drawings of what was actually constructed.

23.21 Review Approval
The bids are reviewed to determine that the bidder is both responsive to the requirements and is responsible (or has the capability and experience to perform the work).

23.22 Manifest / Chain of Custody
These are documents that track the movement of hazardous wastes from one point to another.  Usually each manifest or chain of custody is for a truck load  and shows type and weight of waste transported from the site to a disposal facility.

23.24 General Correspondence
This is a general file which contains technical correspondence (could be EPA, State, or PRP and contractor correspondence depending on the site).

23.99 Other
If the needed keyword code is not available, code to 23.99.

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