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Region 6 Corrective Action Strategy (CAS)
(formerly the Risk Management Strategy - RMS)
RCRA Projects

The EPA Region 6 developed a Corrective Action Strategy (CAS) guideline to accelerate corrective action at RCRA facilities. This document is intended to help regulators and facilities make meaningful progress with corrective action at RCRA sites by: 1) prioritizing corrective action at facilities by focusing on sites that pose the most significant risk, and 2) by streamlining corrective action administrative procedures. The overriding goal of the CAS is the protection of human health and the environment.

The CAS is intended to be:

1) an interim flexible guide for accelerating corrective action
2) a tool for authorized states, facilities, and EPA
3) a basis to initiate pilot projects to refine the strategy, what works .. what does not
4) a living document that will be improved and updated based upon experience in implementing CAS
5) entirely consistent with national policy, and is intended help accelerate attainment of GPRA goals
6) a result of stakeholder input (states, industry, and environmental partners)

The Region would like to thank the various stakeholders for their participation in the development of this guide. We anticipate that this Web Page will be routinely updated to include information on the evolution of the Corrective Action Strategy, and to provide information on specific CAS projects in which EPA is participating.

The files below are in PDF Format. To get a free copy of the PDF Reader. After downloading the PDF reader to your computer, click on any PDF file, and tell the browser the path to the acroread.exe file that was downloaded from Adobe's Web Page.

Internet Organization of the Document:

Corrective Action Strategy (PDF format - 215 kb)
Appendix A - Policy Issues (PDF format - 20 kb)
Appendix B - Developing the Conceptual Site Model and Data Quality Objectives (PDF format - 986 kb)
Appendix C - Innovative Site Assessment Techniques and Remediation Technologies (PDF format - 12 kb)
Appendix D - High Priority Bright-Line Screening Table and Background Documentation (PDF format - 491 kb)
         High Priority Bright-Line Screening Table (Excel format - 1,307 kb)
         (including physical and chemical parameters that were used to derive the screening values)
Appendix D - Low Priority Bright-Line Screening Table and Background Documentation (PDF format - 240 kb)
         Low Priority Bright-Line Screening Table (Excel format - 1,343 kb)
         (including physical and chemical parameters that were used to derive the screening values)
Appendix E - Ecological Exclusion Screening (PDF format - 50 kb)

Note: if your Browser does not give you the option to download the above Excel spreadsheet files (.xls extension), then you should right click on the download link, and left click on "save target as" for ie5 or "save link as" for Netscape 4.x.

If you have any questions or comments concerning the CAS, please email any of the following:

Rick Ehrhart or Nancy Fagan or Lisa Price

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