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Documents and Publications
Cover: Gender in Agriculture SourcebookGender in Agriculture Sourcebook
A joint product of the World Bank, FAO, and IFAD, the Sourcebook provides an up-to-date understanding of gender issues with a rich compilation of compelling evidence of good practices and lessons learned to guide practitioners in integrating gender dimensions into agricultural projects and programs. World Bank, FAO, IFAD, 2008

Cover: Women 2000 and Beyond: Rural women in a changing world: Opportunities and challenges Women 2000 and Beyond: Rural women in a changing world: Opportunities and challenges
This publication aims to highlight women's contributions to the social, economic and political aspects of rural development and raise critical issues for improving the situation of rural women. UN DAW, 2008

Cover: Gender Perspectives: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into Climate Change Adaptation - 2008Gender Perspectives: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into Climate Change Adaptation - 2008
Good Practices and Lessons Learned

The publication points out the vital nexus between women’s experiences of natural resource management, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, and how they can come together to make whole communities strong and sustainable.
UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), 2008

Cover: PROGRESS OF THE WORLD’S WOMEN 2008/2009MDG Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Progress Chart 2008
The MDG Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Progress Chart 2008, an output of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on MDG Indicators, provides an assessment of progress towards a number of the key targets related to women’s empowerment and gender equality. Trends are assessed on the basis of data between 1990 and the most recent year for which information was available as of June 2008, when this chart was prepared.
UN Statistics Division, 2008

Cover: PROGRESS OF THE WORLD’S WOMEN 2008/2009Progress of the World’s Women 2008/2009: Who Answers to Women? Gender and Accountability
The report focuses on five key areas where the need to strengthen accountability to women is urgent: politics and governance, access to public services, economic opportunities, justice, and finally the distribution of international assistance for development and security.
> Download report
> View multimedia report
UNIFEM, 2008

Cover: Gender in the Millennium Development Goals: Information guide for Arab Millennium Development Goals reportsGender in the Millennium Development Goals: Information guide for Arab Millennium Development Goals reports
The guide summarizes the main gender issues and concerns in the region in the context of each Millennium Goal. It also provides a detailed assessment of the availability of sex-disaggregated data and gender sensitive indicators in the Arab region for gender responsive monitoring and reporting of MDGs.
> View report
> Press release
UN-ESCWA, 2008

Cover: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2008MDG Report 2008 launched
The Report is the most comprehensive global assessment of progress to date, based on work carried out by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on the official MDG Indicators. It provides hard evidence for each of the eight MDGs, showing what has been accomplished so far in each of the world’s major geographic regions. It outlines what the world needs to do to succeed by 2015. The Report may be accessed in the other UN official languages.

New Websites and Online Video
African Women's Rights Observatory
The African Women’s Rights Observatory (AWRO), a joint iniative of UN Economic Commission for Africa and UNDP, will have an institutional framework that provides up-to-date information on the status of observance of African women’s rights. AWRO tracks the progress of African governments in fulfilling various commitments made to promote and protect women’s rights in Africa.

UNESCO video podcasts
UNESCO released a series of video podcasts on human rights, peace, tolerance and the fight against discrimination, including "Being fed up" (with violence against women), "Why is this happening to me?" (child marriage), and "Shiva: The third eye", a reinterpretation of Hindu myths, proposing universal and eternal equality between genders.
View Videos >>

Pop Star Lends Her Voice to Stop Maternal, Infant and Child Deaths >>

Ending violence against womenNew Online Video:
Gender-Responsive Budgeting Initiative

View Video >>

Visit the UNIFEM video channel >>

Ending violence against womenEnding violence against women
A multimedia exhibit by UNFPA:

News and Highlights
Somalia: UNICEF speaks out against stoning death of 13-year-old rape victim
UNICEF said that this incident underscores the vulnerability of girls and women in the war-wracked Horn of Africa nation, where it says sexual and gender-based violence is commonplace and gender inequalities persist in access to essential services.
UN News Centre, 4 November 2008

Greater efforts needed to meet gender equality objectives by 2015, says Migiro
Efforts to achieve gender equality around the world must be accelerated, UN Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro told a gathering of women leaders in Seoul, while also highlighting the special burden climate change places on women.
UN News Centre, 31 October 2008

Women vital to peace in post-conflict zones, Security Council hears
A comprehensive and sustainable peace is not possible in post-conflict situations unless women’s security and participation is a primary objective for peacekeepers, senior United Nations officials told the Security Council.
UN News Centre, 29 October 2008
> News story
> Press release
> WomenWatch special feature

Violence against women remains endemic, UN expert reports
Women around the world continue to endure violence, abuse and discrimination and often have no recourse to justice, an independent United Nations human rights expert told the General Assembly as she urged Member States to make greater efforts to record and publicize violations.
UN News Centre, 24 October 2008

Ban urges greater efforts to boost women’s role in peace and security
Countries need to take more action to increase the role of women in the search for peace and justice and enhance their input in decision-making, even though positive steps have been made in recent years, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon writes in a new report.
UN News Centre, 24 October 2008
> News story
> WomenWatch special feature
> Report of the Secretary-General on women and peace and security:

Ban calls for reversal of ‘slow’ progress in achieving gender parity at UN
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has exhorted the United Nations to take urgent actions to reverse the “regrettable trend” of sluggish advances made towards achieving gender parity in the Organization.
UN News Centre, 21 October 2008

UN marks first-ever International Day of Rural Women with call for action
The United Nations today has marked the inaugural International Day of Rural Women, with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issuing a call for greater appreciation of their role in providing food and incalculable support they give to their communities.
UN News Centre, 15 October 2008
> News story
> Secretary-General's message
> WomenWatch special feature

Countries targeted by UN-backed campaign to end obstetric fistula leap to 45
With at least 2 million women in Africa, Asia and the Arab region living with obstetric fistula and 50,000 to 100,000 new cases developing each year, the UN-backed campaign to prevent and treat the debilitating birth injury announced today a four-fold increase in the number of countries it now serves.
UNFPA, 13 October 2008
> Press release
> Supporting efforts to end obstetric fistula - Report of the Secretary-General:

UN urges European Union to end violence against women in conflict zones
The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) today urged European Union (EU) Member States to take practical steps in preventing sexual violence against women in conflict and post-conflict situations.
UNIFEM, 10 October 2008

Financial crisis must not diminish support to improve women's lives, urges Ban
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has stressed the importance of continued support for the efforts of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to empower the world’s women, particularly to improve maternal health and promote gender equality, even in the midst of the economic woes countries are currently facing.
UN News Centre, 3 October 2008
> News story
> Statement by the Secretary-General

African women to benefit from new UN gender equality project
Women in five African countries will gain new access to resources and services at the local level through gender-responsive planning, programming and budgeting under an $8 million, three-year United Nations programme announced this week.
UN News Centre, 3 October 2008

Women do double-duty as work falls along traditional gender lines
Gender experts head to Geneva from 6 to 9 October to debate policy prescriptions for promoting equal sharing of responsibility between women and men.
DESA News, 3 October 2008

UN agency joins forces with United States retailer to end violence against women
The United States retailer Marshalls has signed on to a United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) campaign to bring an end to violence against women.
UNIFEM, 1 October 2008

Austria exhorts UN to take lead in fight to reduce violence against women
The United Nations must take lead in global efforts to eliminate violence against women by setting clear reduction targets and establishing a network so that countries can exchange their best ideas for the cause, Austria told the General Assembly today.
UN News Centre, 26 September 2008

Failure to reduce maternal mortality rates shames us all, Norway tells UN
The world's failure to make substantial inroads in reducing the number of women who die in pregnancy or childbirth is a damning illustration of the wider treatment of women, Norway’s Prime Minister told the General Assembly.
UN News Centre, 25 September 2008

Religious leaders add their voice to UN drive to end violence against women
Religious leaders from Africa, Asia and North America pledged today to help end one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world by signing on to the "Say NO to Violence against Women" campaign, organized by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
UNIFEM, 25 September 2008

Rwandan Women Secure 56% of Parliamentary Seats in Historic Election Result
Women contesting in Rwanda’s second parliamentary elections since the 1994 Genocide, held on 15–18 September 2008, have secured 45 out of 80 seats, or 56.25 percent, making the incoming Parliament the first in the world to have women in the majority.
UNIFEM, 22 September 2008

UN-endorsed initiative to train midwives could save hundreds of thousands of lives
With half a million women dying in pregnancy or childbirth every year, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) have launched an initiative which could help cut mortality by about 75 per cent by training midwives in developing countries.
UNFPA, 22 September 2008

Nearly all maternal deaths occur in developing countries, UNICEF report finds
Over 500,000 women die unnecessarily every year due to complications from pregnancy and childbirth, with 99 per cent of those deaths occurring in developing countries, according to a new report released today by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
UNICEF, 19 September 2008
> News release
> Report Card on Maternal Mortality

Empowering Women Central to Africa’s Progress
As the General Assembly meets to consider Africa's development needs, gender experts are coming together at a United Nations-backed forum spotlighting the continent's women, who are a vital part of efforts to achieve the global anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
UNIFEM, 19 September 2008

Upcoming Events
Women, Peace and Security. 8th anniversary of Security Council resolution 1325
> Calendar of activities and events (13 October - 21 November 2008)

Virtual Discussion on "Creating Gender-Sensitive Migration Policy: Best Practices and Lessons Learned"
Worldwide, online, 3 - 21 November 2008

Virtual Dialogue: "Planning for Action: Good Practices on Implementing UNSCR 1325 on a National Level"
Worldwide, online, 3 - 21 November 2008

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Worldwide, 25 November 2008

16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence
Worldwide, 25 November - 10 December 2008

Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus
Doha, Qatar, 29 November - 2 December 2008

Recent Events
> Open Debate of the Security Council on Women, Peace and Security: "Women’s equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security" (29 October 2008)

International Day of Rural Women
Worldwide, 15 October 2008
> Message of the Secretary-General
> Panel discussion to mark the first observance of the International Day of Rural Women (UN Headquarters New York)
> WomenWatch Special Feature

CEDAW: 41st Session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
UN Headquarters, New York, 30 June - 18 July 2008

International Women's Day
08 March 2008; UN Commemoration on 06 March
Theme for 2008: "Investing in Women and Girls"

52nd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
UN Headquarters, New York, 25 Feb - 7 March 2008
Priority theme: Financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women

WomenWatch is an Initiative of the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality (IANWGE)
Website: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/
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