US Department of Education Principal Office Functional Statements
Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development

Functional Statements > Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development


  1. Mission and Responsibilities
  2. Organization
  3. Order of Succession
  4. Functions and Responsibilities of OPEPD Components
    1. Immediate Office of the Assistant Secretary
    2. Budget Service
    3. Performance Information Management Service
    4. Policy and Program Studies Service
    5. Family Policy Compliance Office
  5. Primary Delegations of Authority


The Assistant Secretary for the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development (OPEPD) serves as the principal adviser to the Secretary on all matters relating to policy development and review; performance measurement and evaluation; budget processes and proposals.  The Assistant Secretary is responsible for:

  • coordinating the review of Department-wide policies to ensure consistency with the Secretary’s guidance and the Administration’s goals;
  • overseeing policy development and reviewing policy recommendations submitted to the Secretary by  Principal Offices;
  • managing a repository of policy data necessary to formulate, develop, validate and recommend policy positions to the Secretary;
  • managing budget programs, process, and proposals;
  • developing and implementing Department-wide systems and procedures for strategic accountability and performance management;
  • analyzing current and proposed education policy; directing the development of policy options for legislative proposals and program reauthorizations based on policy analysis;
  • performance measurement, and evaluation studies for education programs;
  • designing, conducting, and reporting on evaluation studies to describe program operations and program outcomes of participants and to promote program improvement;
  • providing technical expertise in formula development, modeling, forecasting, and trends analysis; and conducting analyses of cost/benefit and institutional effects of regulations; and
  • overseeing the Family Policy Compliance Office.



The Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development is under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary, who reports to the Secretary of Education.

Four major elements, the Budget Service, the Performance Information Management Service, the Policy and Program Studies Service, and the Family Policy Compliance Office report to the Assistant Secretary. 

Additionally, the Assistant Secretary coordinates the activities of the Office of Educational Technology



During the absence or disability of the Assistant Secretary for Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, the following official will act as Assistant Secretary for Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development: 

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning and Policy Development
Director, Budget Services
Director, Performance Information Management Services
Director, Policy and Program Studies Services


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Last Modified: 02/13/2008