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Dgedge, Martinho do Carmo

Implementation of an insecticide treated bednet programme for malaria prevention through the primary health care system in Mozambique: Socioeconomic factors associated with sustainability and equity

Centro de Investigação em Saude da Manhiça (CISM)

Prevalência de DTS e lesôes cervicales em mulheres da area de Manhiça

VPH Manhica.ppt 109,00 kB

Mandomando, Inácio

Determinação da carga de Sarampo no distrito da Manhiça

Mandomando, Inácio

Diarrhoeal disease and other pathogen

Roca, Anna

Meningite bacteriana

Roca, Anna

Haemophilus Influenzae entre as crianças de 5 anos de idade na Manhiça, Moçambique

Sigaúque, Betuel

Streptococcus pneumoniae(pneumococcus)

Nhacolo, A; Nhalungo, D; Sacoor, C. ; et al

Níveis e tendências de indicadores demográficos no distrito de Manhiça



Advice for writing a scientific paper

Every journal has a format for outlay, headings, references
and so on. It is always a good idea to prepare
your paper in the exact format of the relevant journal
before submitting it. Editors tend to be unimpressed if
you are not even prepared to take this trouble and
reviewers usually are unsympathetic towards such
authors. Some high class journals like Science, Nature
or Geology have extremely strict rules for the format
of submission and their electronic submission system filters
automatically all submissions that do not follow
these rules. Such journals also have a simpler structure
of publications and limited page and reference numbers,
which makes writing more difficult. They deal with a
very high number of submissions and no time can be
wasted on format problems. It is thus essential to know
and to follow the rules in every detail.