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Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=1#1">1. Benefits Analysis - Quantification without1. Benefits Analysis - Quantification without Monetization
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=2#2">1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Benefits T1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Benefits Transfer
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=3#3">1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Cost of Da1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Cost of Damages Avoided - Resource/Environmental Harms
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=4#4">1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Cost of Da1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Cost of Damages Avoided
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=5#5">1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed P1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed Preference - Consumption Choices
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=6#6">1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed P1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed Preference - Property Value
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=7#7">1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed P1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed Preference - Wage Differential
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=8#8">1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed P1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed Preference
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=9#9">1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Stated Pre1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Stated Preference - Contingent Valuation
Hide details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=10#10">1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Stated P1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Stated Preference - Non-contingent Valuation
A Review of the Use of Contingent Valuation Methods in Project Analysis at the Inter-American Development BankArdila, Sergio
Quiroga, Ricardo
Vaughan, William J.
A Search for Well-founded ValuesBrown, Thomas09/30/1998
Alternative Nonmarket Value-elicitation Methods: Are the Underlying Preferences the Same?Cameron, Trudy Ann
Poe, Gregory L.
Ethier, Robert G.
Schulze, William D.
Alternatives to Traditional CVM in Environmental Valuation: Applied Research ChallengesWellman, Katherine08/24/1998
An Iterative Choice Approach to Valuing Clean Lakes, Rivers, and StreamsMagat, Wesley A.
Huber, Joel
Viscusi, W. Kip
Comments on Direct Valuation of Complex Environmental Goods: A Perspective from NSFMumpower, Jeryl L.10/15/1998
Contingent Choice and Symbolic BiasOpaluch, James J.10/15/1998
Econometric ProblemsRussell, Clifford10/15/1998
Optimal Experimental Design for Binary Choice ExperimentsKanninen, Barbara06/01/1998
The Value of Regional Water Quality ImprovementsViscus, W. Kip
Huber, Joel
Bell, Jason
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=11#11">1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Stated P1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Stated Preference
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=12#12">1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation</a>]1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=13#13">1. Benefits Analysis</a>]1. Benefits Analysis
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=14#14">2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Anal2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Major Programs and Media
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=15#15">2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Anal2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Methodology
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=16#16">2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Anal2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Specific Sectors and Pollutants
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=17#17">2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Anal2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Surveys and Critiques
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=18#18">2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Anal2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=19#19">3. Cost and Economic Impacts Analysis</a>]3. Cost and Economic Impacts Analysis
Show details for [<a href="/ee/epa/wpi.nsf/vwWPSW?OpenView&count=1000&Expand=20#20">3.Costs and Economic Impact Analysis - Gene3.Costs and Economic Impact Analysis - General Pollution Control Costs

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