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MIMS Framework Download

Research Programs

Air Quality Forecasting

Air Toxics Modeling

Climate Impact on Air Quality

Fine-Scale Modeling

Model Development

Model Evaluation

Model Applications

Multimedia Modeling

NOx Accountability

Installation Instructions View Documentation
PDF, 177 pp, 3.38 MB, About PDF)


mims.exe Complete MIMS installation (self-extracting zip file for Windows)
mims.zip Complete MIMS installation
mims.tar.gz Complete MIMS installation
mims_src.zip MIMS source files (zip format)

Release History

March 2005

January, 2005

November, 2004

October, 2004

August 2004

July, 2004

April, 2003

There is one major outstanding problem:

URLs for reporting problems, requesting support, and making suggestions are listed in the MIMS About box in the software.This release includes a very early version of new plotting capabilities, which rely on the R statistical package Exit EPA Disclaimer. These new capabilities will provide many options for plot type, layouts, and output formats. The framework object "Plot Page Object" and the modules "Scatter Plot Module" and "Time Series Module" will only work if R has been installed and is on your path. A future MIMS release will include documentation on the new plotting capabilities.Current applications of the MIMS Framework include the following:

Atmospheric Modeling

Research & Development | National Exposure Research Laboratory

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