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FY2003 Budget Summary

(Dollars in thousands)

 Perm PosFTEAmount
2001 Actuals
2002 Enacted
2003 Current Services
2003 Request

2002 Appropriation2003 Current Services2003 RequestProgram Improvements
Comparison by activity and programPerm PosFTEAmountPerm PosFTEAmountPerm PosFTEAmountPerm PosFTEAmount
Telecommunications Carrier Compliance Fund


Program Description
The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (CALEA) (P.L. 103-414) authorizes the Attorney General to reimburse telecommunications carriers for costs associated with modifying digital equipment installed before January 1, 1995, in order that court-authorized wiretaps may be performed. To facilitate compliance by telecommunications carriers, CALEA authorized an appropriation of $500,000,000 to pay for reasonable costs directly associated with modifying eligible equipment, facilities, and services to establish the necessary capabilities and capacities identified by law enforcement. The Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997 (P.L. 104-208) established the Department of Justice Telecommunications Carrier Compliance Fund
to make payments to telecommunications carriers, and extended eligibility for reimbursement to telecommunications equipment manufacturers, and providers of telecommunications support services. In addition to direct appropriations to the Fund, Congress authorized federal agencies with law enforcement or intelligence responsibility to transfer to the Fund unobligated balances that are available until expended, upon compliance with congressional notification requirements.

With the FY 2001 appropriation of $200,977,000, a total of $499,557,000 has been made available to the TCCF. No new resources are requested in this budget.

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