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Large River Indicators


This research was originated to help supply aquatic resource researchers with clear, consistent, logistically feasible, and efficient methods for measuring community health in large rivers. Our approach is to review existing methods, conduct relevant comparisons, and document performance characteristics, then to modify or develop new methods where required. Completed elements of this research effort have been published as U.S. EPA guidance documents, posted on the World Wide Web, and presented at formal and informal meetings, conferences and workshops. Multiple manuscripts targeted for peer-reviewed journals are also in review or in press.

Current and future research will follow this established format to assure the continued successful development of products that meet the near-term research needs of our clients. Of recent, reearchers on this task have been working with regional scientists to organize and steer regionally based large river work groups. These groups function to assist states, regions, and tribes leverage their resources as they strive to implement, improve and integrate a large river program into their overall monitoring and assessment strategies.


The development of increasingly refined bioassessment methods for large rivers that reflect site condition accurately, are repeatable through time, identify stressors, are logistically feasible, and are accepted by local, state, regional, and national assessment communities.


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