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Programs in Action

DECEMBER 2003 — A Collection of Moving Pictures

rwanda image Providing Antiretroviral Drugs in Rwanda
Hear "Eliza" talk about her experience at the
Biryogo Medical and Social Center in Kigali, the first facility to provide HIV drugs with USAID funds.

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Help families recover in Haiti.

Involving the Buddhist Community in Cambodia Reducing Stigma and Discrimination in India
cambodia image See the AIDS work of Buddhist monks at the Kien Kes Temple in Battambang Province of Cambodia. india image Take a virtual trip to St. Paul's Trust in Andrah Pradesh, one of the Indian states hit hardest by HIV/AIDS.
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Window on USAID: FBOs Work in HIV/AIDS The Religious Community Works in Nigeria
fbo image Hear Dr. E. Anne Peterson speak of the vital role that FBOs play in reducing HIV around the world. nigeria image Listen to Reverend Father Odukwe describe the compatibility of Christian teachings and involvement in HIV/AIDS.
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The Religious Community
in the Dominican Republic
Expanding VCT Services throughout Kenya
dominican republic image Watch an interview with Martha Butler, Director of Project Conecta, highlighting FBO work in the region. kenya image Learn about the national HIV testing program and the key lessons learned with Dr. Kenneth Chebet.
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The programs featured here are all funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, largely through the Implementing AIDS Prevention and Care (IMPACT) Project. IMPACT is managed by FHI in partnership with non-governmental organizations worldwide.