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Storm Water Permits in the Southeast

Stormwater discharges are caused by water runoff of land and impervious areas such as paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops during rainfall and snow events. These discharges often contain pollutants in quantities that could adversely affect water quality. Most stormwater discharges are considered point sources and require coverage by an National Pollutant Elimination Discharge (NPDES) permit. Regional Stormwater Contacts listed below.

Training Opportunities

The Region 4 NPDES Permitting program offers training courses and workshops to explain the regulatory framework and technical considerations of the NPDES Stormwater program. These courses are designed for permit writers, dischargers, elected officials, and other interested parties. EPA will post training opportunities as they become available.

For more information regarding availability of training presentations, please contact Michael Mitchell (mitchell.michael@epa.gov) at (404) 562-9303.

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Phase I and Phase II

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Program was created by the October 1990 amendments to the federal NPDES regulations. These amendments are also know as the Phase I Stormwater NPDES regulations.

The federal NPDES regulations were amended again for stormwater discharges in December 1999. These amendments formed the basis for the Phase II Program. The amendments lower the acreage when an NPDES permit is required for construction or land clearing to one acre while allowing a case-by-case determination for sites that are less than one acre.


In Region 4, the following States have full authority for implementing the NPDES stormwater program: Alabama Exit EPA Disclaimer , Florida Exit EPA Disclaimer, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina Exit EPA Disclaimer , South Carolina Exit EPA Disclaimer, and Tennessee Exit EPA Disclaimer. EPA retains responsibility for issuing NPDES stormwater permits for activities on Indian Lands.

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Name and Email Telephone Responsibilities
Michael Mitchell
(404) 562-9303 Regional Stormwater Expert / State program overview Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina
Mary Kuo
(404) 562-9847 State program overview Mississippi, Kentucky
Alanna Conley
(404) 562-9443 State program overview Florida, Tennessee


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Additional Information

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For information about the contents of this page please contact Mike Mitchell (mitchell.michael@epa.gov).

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