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Now Open - Requests for Research and Synthesis Proposals

Announcement closes on 11/21/2008.

There are 3 separate announcements: Wildland Fire Research, Synthesis of Existing Knowledge, and Fire Ecology Science Initiative.

Proposal submission packets can be found at

  • Click on Grant Search on the right under FOR APPLICANTS.
  • Search by CFDA Number: 15.232
  • Click on the Full Annoucement that you are interested in.
  • Do not click on the Application button to apply through the system. See Electronic Proposal Submission instructions below.

If you have any problems finding the announcements, please contact Tim Swedberg.

New for 2009 - Electronic Proposal Submission

To submit an electronic proposal you must login to the JFSP database. Existing Principal Investigators with active projects will already have a login profile.

If you do not already have a login username and password, then you must register for one. Please allow us 2 working days to establish new profiles.

All Principal Investigators, Co-Principal Investigators, Federal Fiscal Representatives, and Federal Cooperators will need profiles.

Only the Principal Investigator identified with each proposal can submit the completed proposal.

If you need technical assistance, click on the Contact Us button.


Each RFA (Request for Announcement) has a unique template that is required to be completed. You are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with the unique requirements for each RFA. Proposals failing to address all requirements will not be considered for funding.

If you are having trouble reaching the secure login page, make sure that your browser is set to use TLS.

Fire Science Digest

This JFSP publication is a summarization of a current issue and is produced several times each year.

JFSP Briefs

Fire Science Briefs

These JFSP publications are a summarization of a completed research project.

You can read more Briefs here.

JFSP New Research

Science You Can Use

Invasive Species - a Classic Reference

Wildland Fire in Ecosystems–Fire and Nonnative Invasive Plants RMRS-GTR-42-volume 6


Biomass Case Studies Report

Market Impacts of Hypothetical Fuel Treatment Thinning Programs on Federal Lands in the Western United States

Efficacy of Mechanical Fuel Treatments for Reducing Wildfire Hazard

Mortality and Scorching

A Field Guide to Predict Delayed Mortality of Fire Damaged Ponderosa Pine: Application and Validation of the Malheur Model

Effects of Prescribed Fire and Other Plant Community Restoration Treatments on Tree Mortality, Bark Beetles, and Other saproxylic Coleoptra of Long Leaf Pine on the Coastal Plain of Alabama

Condition of Live Fire-scarred Ponderosa Pine Eleven Years after Removing Partial Cross-sections

Fire and Climate

Climate Drivers of Regionally Synchronous Fires in the Inland Pacific Northwest (1651-1900)

Fire Histories-Regimes

Cross-dated Fire Histories (1650-1900) from Ponderosa Pine-dominated Forest of Idaho and Western Montana

Topography Affected Landscape Fire History Patterns in Southern Arizona, USA

Fire and Stand History in Two Limber Pine and Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine Stands in Colorado

Spatial Models for Inferring Topographic Controls on Historical Low-severity Fire in the Eastern Cascade Range of Washington, USA


Comparing Effects of Fire Modeling Methods on Simulated Fire Patterns and Succession: A Case Study in the Missouri Ozarks

Ridgetop Fire History of an Oak-Pine Forest in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas

Fire Scars and Tree Vigor Following Prescribed Fires in Missouri Ozark Upland Forests

Great Basin

Collaborative Management and Research in the Great Basin -- Examining the Issues and Developing a Framework for Action

Prescribed Fire, Soil, and Plants: Burn Effects and Interactions in the Central Great Basin

Fine-scale Variation of Historical Fire Regimes in Sagebrush-steppe and Juniper Woodland: An Example from California, USA


Thinning, Fire, and Oak Regeneration Across a Heterogeneous Landscape in the Eastern U.S.: 7 Year Results

Assessing Ecosystem Restoration Alternatives in Eastern Deciduous Forests: The View from Belowground


Bird Community Composition after Mechanical Mastication Fuel Treatments Southwest Oregon Oak Woodland and Chapparal

Short-term Response of Reptiles and Amphibians to Prescribed Fire and Mechanical Fuel Reduction in a Southern Appalachian Upland Hardwood Forest

Prescribed Fire, Snag Population Dynamics, and Avian Nest Selection

Impacts on Non-Native Plant Removal on Vertebrates Along the Middle Rio Grande (New Mexico)

Post-Breeding Habitat Use by Adult Boreal Toads after Wildfire in Glacier National Park, USA

Wildfire Effects on Water Temperature and Selection of Breeding Sites by the Boreal Toad in Seasonal Wetlands


Composition of Soil Seed Banks in Southern California Coastal Sage Scrub and Adjacent Exotic Grassland

New Procedure for Sampling Infiltration to Assess Post-fire Water Repellancy


An Integrated Approach to Evaluating the Economic Costs of Wildfire Hazard Reduction Through Wood Utilization Opportunities in the Southwestern United States

Characteristics and Behavior of a Cool-season Prescribed Fire in the Oak Savannas of the Southwestern Borderlands

Effects of Fire Severity and Pre-fire Stand Treatment on Plant Community Recovery After a Large Wildfire

Decades-old Silvicultural Treatments Influence Surface Wildfire Severity and Post-fire Nitrogen Availability in a Ponderosa Pine Forest

Fort Valley Experimental Forest – A Century of Research 1908-2008 (Conference Proceedings)

People and Fire

Wildland Fire, Risk, and Recovery: Results of a National Survey with Regional and Racial Perspectives

Different Interest Group Views of Fuel Treatments: Survey Results from Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in a Sierran Mixed Conifer Forest, California, USA

Fire Social Science Research from the Pacific Southwest Research Station: Studies Supported by the National Fire Plan

Wildland Urban Interface Residents Views on Risk and Attribution

Venture Capital (suppression expenditures)

You can read additional stories here.