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Collaborative Problem-Solving


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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a long tradition of using collaborative processes to address environmental challenges.  Today we are building on our history to create an Agency that:

Following are some of the resources we are using and signs that we are succeeding.

Collaboration Training

Application Form (Microsoft Word, 1 page, 34K)
Course Description

Better Decisions through Consultation and Collaboration (PDF 141 pp, 2.9MB, About PDF ) or Table of Contents. This manual was designed to help EPA staff and managers who develop regulations, policies, programs and cross media or cross geographic initiatives to improve agency practices for engaging the public through a guide to best practices for consultation and collaboration. The manual explains how to: (1) chose the appropriate level of public consultation or collaboration processes; (2) design those consultation or collaboration processes; (3) implement the activities; (4) incorporate the information gained into decision making; (5) incorporate lessons learned from the consultation or collaboration processes into the next processes conducted.

Solving Environmental Problems through Collaboration (PDF) (9 pp, 66K, About PDF)  -- the 2005 result of a study team’s examining the scientific and Agency literature on collaboration, as well as nearly 200 EPA case studies.  That study identified seven “keys” to successful collaborative problem-solving.

EPA Tools & Services for Collaborative Problem-Solving   (documents, fact sheets, databases, websites and contracting mechanisms)

Collaboration and Partnership (111 descriptions of 2007 activities)

EPA is now implementing activities in four thematic areas: (1) build expert knowledge, skills, and capacity; (2) develop collaborative leadership at all levels through recruitment and career development; (3) align planning, budgeting, and accountability systems to foster collaboration; and (4) target priority environmental problems. EPA anticipates that work in these four strategic areas will enable the Agency to take collaborative problem-solving to new heights, enabling it to more effectively deliver cleaner air, water, and land to the American people.

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