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Financing for Environmental Compliance
Waste Technical Assistance Information Providers and Resources

EPA and other entities have developed numerous documents and tools to assist municipal officials as they devise a technical solution. Below are selected sites containing technical assistance providers and resources. These resources are available to all communities but small communities and tribes can access specialized resources.


Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN) Exit EPA Disclaimer
This group provides environmental management, planning, funding, and regulatory information for local government elected and appointed officials, managers and staff. LGEAN enables local officials to interact with their peers and others online.  In an effort to reach all local governments, LGEAN also manages a toll-free telephone service (877/865-4326).

Rural Community Assistance Partnership Exit EPA Disclaimer
RCAP assists communities by providing technical, financial management, and managerial support and training to local officials in communities with populations under 10,000. RCAP solid waste staff help small communities build the capacity necessary to make decisions and implement solutions to effectively manage their solid waste. Assistance includes developing and implementing solid waste management plans and constructing and closing landfills.


Landfill Methane Gas Outreach Program
The U.S. EPA's Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) is a voluntary assistance and partnership program that promotes the use of landfill gas as a renewable, green energy source. This site provides links technical, promotional, and informational tools as well as support services to assist with the development of landfill gas projects

EPA Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery Municipal Page
EPA is helping communities reduce and better manage Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) - more commonly known as trash or garbage - through a coordinated mix of practices that includes source reduction, recycling (including composting), and disposal. This Web site contains a wealth of information on MSW, including information on over 40 subjects related to MSW management, such as buy recycled, lifecycle analysis, pollution prevention, and used oil.

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