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What Works Clearinghouse

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Student Achievement and School Accountability Conference
October 2002

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Claims, Claims, Claims: An Example

Not on the Same Page. Some Educators Say XXXXX Math Books Are Great Teaching Tools, but Many School Systems Refuse to Use Them—Washington Post

An Evaluation of Selected Mathematics Textbooks. "After having looked closely at these materials, my ranking from first to last is Prog A, Prog B, Prog C, with Prog D a distant last."— Prof. of Mathematics.

School officials say new math ads (sic) up to education. "Call it what you want—new-new math, fuzzy math, constructivist math—the new approach to teaching arithmetic is spreading across the region and across the country."—online news source, Philadelphia region.

Do the numbers add up? "Websites for both advocates and critics of the new math have cropped up. Parents in Texas sued over the use of new math curriculum in their district, while in California, districts tried new math and later scrapped the approach when test results did not improve."—same as prior.