Support for Analysis and Research in Africa.
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The Academy for Education Development (AED)

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


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The Support for Analysis and Research in Africa (SARA) project is managed by the Academy for Educational Development. The first SARA contract ran from 1992-1999; the current contract runs through September 2004. The SARA project supports the work of USAID’s Bureau for Africa, Office of Sustainable Development (AFR/SD) to improve policies and programs in health and basic education. Together, AFR/SD and SARA aim to improve the link between research, policy development and program design and implementation in Africa by promoting the use of information in policy and program development, and by identifying information gaps.

The project fosters the use of state-of-the-art information in child survival, nutrition, reproductive health and population, HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, and basic education. SARA carries out research, analysis, dissemination, and advocacy activities in collaboration with regional African institutions and networks, joining with other projects or agencies wherever possible.


New SARA Publications

Child Survival

The Health Sector Human Resource Crisis in Africa: An Issues Paper

USAID Malaria Programs in Africa: 1998-2003

Reproductive Health

Reproductive Health Briefing Packet: An Overview of AFR/SD's Activities in Reproductive Health

Issues in Postabortion Care: Scaling-Up Services in Francophone Africa

Questions aux soins après avortement: extension des services en Afrique francophone


Comprende et Contrer: Le Stigmate Du VIH [+ Toolkit CD]

Challenges Facing the Kenyan Health Workforce in the Era of HIV/ AIDS- working draft

Challenges Facing the Malawian Health Workforce in the Era of HIV/ AIDS- working draft


Lives at Risk: Malaria in Pregnancy (updated July 2003)
Lives at Risk December 2003 Update! (French Version)

Nutrition and HIV/AIDS: Evidence, Gaps, and Priority Actions

Liberia Health Transition Workshop : from Humanitarian to Development Assistance -- Summary Workshop Report, April 5-7, 2005
