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Announcement and Call for Papers

National Conference on Preservation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements

April 22-24, 2009 - St. Louis, Missouri
Hyatt Regency St. Louis Riverfront Hotel

PDF version of announcement (0.3 mb)

Conference Registration

There has never been a greater need for maintaining and improving the condition of the nation's roadway system!

Sponsored by

Nighttime replacement of damaged concrete slabs with precast concrete panels.
Joint repair of concrete slabs using dowel bars.
Improving safety by diamond grinding concrete pavement surface (see lower portion of concrete).
  • Federal Highway Administration
  • American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
  • American Concrete Pavement Association
  • Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
  • International Society for Concrete Pavements
  • Missouri Department of Transportation
  • National Concrete Pavement Technology Center
  • Portland Cement Association
  • Transportation Research Board


Well-designed and well-constructed concrete pavements can be expected to provide low-maintenance service life, well exceeding the as-designed service life. The majority of pavements in the U.S. interstate and primary systems were designed on the basis of a 20- to 25-year initial service life, and many miles of these pavements are in service after more than 30 to 35 years. However, concrete pavements do deteriorate with time and traffic loadings and because of concrete material failures. But, sound corrective measures performed in a timely manner can greatly extend the service life of existing concrete pavements. These corrective measures include preservation treatments, repair/restoration activities, and rehabilitation (PRR). The goal of the corrective measures is to extend the useful life of concrete pavements (structural capacity and functional characteristics) with the least life-cycle costs.

Over the last two decades, there has been much progress in developing effective PRR techniques. However, many gaps remain, and many practices are not implemented consistently from one region to another. An important technical limitation is associated with our ability to rationally determine what treatments need to be performed at what stage in the pavement's life and what are the consequences of delaying needed treatments. In today's environment, where the highway agency budgets cannot fully meet the needs for managing the pavement assets while there is no lessening in traffic growth and public expectations, it is important that the limited funds available to maintain our highway systems be expended in an optimum manner.

This 2.5-day conference is being organized as a part of technology transfer activities for the national Concrete Pavement Technology Program that operates within the Federal Highway Administration. The conference will provide a national forum to address various aspects of concrete pavement preservation, repair, and rehabilitation activities and strategies that result in SAFER, SMOOTHER, AND EXTENDED SERVICE LIFE concrete pavements with the least life-cycle costs.

Conference Topics

Papers and conference presentations are solicited both nationally and internationally on a wide range of topics dealing with technologies to optimize the preservation, repair, and rehabilitation of concrete pavements. Papers and presentations dealing with emerging issues related to these topics are also encouraged. Specifically, papers are solicited on the following topics:

  1. Evaluation of existing concrete pavement for PRR—new technologies.
  2. Optimizing concrete pavement preservation strategies.
  3. Sustainability considerations in extending service life of concrete pavements.
  4. Alternate delivery methods for PRR projects—conventional low-bid, warranties, performance-based contracts.
  5. Mitigation of materials-related distress.
  6. Remaining service life and economic tradeoffs.
  7. Forensic investigations.
  8. Traffic management considerations.
  9. Repair material and equipment requirements—what is needed to ensure successful repairs?
  10. Early opening and other accelerated construction technologies for traffic considerations.
  11. Testing needs for PRR projects (conventional and nondestructive testing [maturity testing, etc.]).
  12. Best practices for concrete pavement PRR.

Preliminary Technical Program

The conference program will consist of about 30 peer-reviewed papers and selected invited presentations for the forums. Highlights of the conference will be case studies from U.S. highway agencies, industry, and international practices. The tentative technical program is given below:

Preliminary Technical Program
April 21
April 22
April 23
April 24
  Group Breakfast Group Breakfast Group Breakfast
  Plenary Session-Invited Presentations Concrete Pavement Preservation and Repair 2 Advanced PRR Technologies
Concrete Pavement Preservation Workshop
(separate fee, lunch included)
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Advances in Concrete Pavement Condition Evaluation Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation 1 Forum 3 - Alternate Delivery Methods for PRR
Group Lunch Group Lunch End of Conference
Concrete Pavement Preservation and Repair 1 Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation 2  
  Forum 1 - Concrete Pavement PRR-The Decisionmaking Process: Where, When, Why? Forum 2 - Concrete Pavement PRR-State DOT Practices and Directions  
Reception Group Dinner Dinner on Your Own  

Paper Submissions and Peer Review

Paper acceptance for the technical sessions will be on the basis of peer review of manuscripts. The presentation and manuscript must not be of a commercial nature, and must not have been previously published. Papers will be limited to the least of 7,500 words or 25 pages. Each table and figure will count as 250 words. The paper review copies should be submitted as a PDF file or as an MS Word document, either format not to exceed 10 MB in size. The papers will be prepared using Times Roman 12 pt font and the text will be single-spaced. The final paper copy will be submitted as an MS Word document not to exceed 10 MB in size. The papers should include both conventional and SI units, the primary unit being the author's preference.

Each selected paper will be peer reviewed by members of the Technical Program Subcommittee of the Conference Steering Committee. Final selection will be made after the completed papers have been reviewed. All papers selected for presentation at the conference will be distributed to conference attendees on a CD and as part of the printed conference proceedings.

Paper/Abstract/Presentation Submission Due Dates
October 15, 2008 Abstracts due (one page)
November 1, 2008 Authors notified of abstract acceptance
December 15, 2008 Completed papers due for review (MS Word or PDF)
February 1, 2009 Review completed, authors notified of final disposition of their papers
March 1, 2009 Electronic versions of final papers due (MS Word)
April 10, 2009 Electronic version of presentations due (MS PowerPoint)

All first authors will need to register by February 15, 2009, and submit electronic versions of their papers by March 1, 2009, to be included in the final program. In addition, authors' presentations (MS PowerPoint) must be received by April 10, 2009, to be included in the final program, without any exceptions. No presentation substitutions or modifications will be permitted on-site.

Registration Details (all fees are in U.S. dollars)
(by January 13, 2009)
(by March 31, 2009)
Very Late
(after March 31, 2009)
General 300 350 400
Government agencies (U.S. only) 200 250 300
Authors and academia 250 300 350
Students, Full-time 200 250 300
Spouses 100 150 200
Exhibitors (one free registration) 1,500 1,750 2,000
Pavement Preservation Workshop 50 75 100

The registration fee includes Tuesday evening reception, breakfasts on Wednesday / Thursday / Friday, lunches on Wednesday/Thursday, dinner on Wednesday, and breaks. The separate Pavement Preservation Workshop fee includes lunch on Tuesday.

Register online at:

Conference Venue/Hotel

The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis Riverfront Hotel, located within minutes of the Gateway Arch Jefferson National Expansion Memorial. The conference room rate is $139.00, single or double, plus applicable taxes (for U.S. government agency employees, $111.00 or prevailing government rate). The group reservation code for the discounted hotel room rate is "2009 Concrete Conference." Additional hotel details and other local area information will be provided in the next release of this announcement.

Conference Steering Committee

Shiraz Tayabji (Fugro Consultants, Inc.) (Chair), Mike Brinkman (New York State DOT), Bouzid Choubane (Florida), Angel Correa (Federal Highway Administration), Bill Davenport (ACPA), John Donahue (Missouri DOT), Tom Kazmierowski (Ministry of Transport, Ontario, Canada), David Lippert (Illinois DOT), Kurt Smith (Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.), Sam Tyson (Federal Highway Administration), Jeff Uhlmeyer (Washington State DOT), and Moon Won (University of Texas).

For additional information, contact:

Cari Jefferson
Fugro Consultants, Inc.
10025 Governor Warfield Parkway, Suite 212
Columbia, MD 21044 USA
Phone: 410-997-9020
Fax: 410-997-9028

For additional information, contact:

Shiraz Tayabji, PE
Fugro Consultants, Inc.
Phone: 410-997-9020
Fax: 410-997-9028

Updated information related to the conference is available at:

This page last modified on 08/04/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration