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What's New in the ADS for March 2006

Updated: March 31, 2006
* Superceded information is provided for historical purposes...
Browse Series: 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600
Series 100: Agency Organization & Legal Affairs
Series 100 Interim Update #06-02, Revisions to ADS Chapter 102 - Agency Organizations.

Issued: 03/02/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

This notice announces the revision of ADS 102, Agency Organizations, to incorporate a number of policy changes.

* Revisions to ADS Chapter 102 - Agency Organizations.

Issued: 02/24/2006     Posted: 03/02/2006

The purpose of this ADS chapter is to establish parameter-setting policies for USAID’s organization structure and to define and describe the nomenclature used to identify organization levels and structures. The chapter defines the policies for establishing and changing USAID organization units consistent with the reengineering principles of managing for results, customer focus, teamwork and participation, empowerment and accountability, and valuing diversity. It also describes USAID's organization coding and abbreviation systems.

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Series 100 Interim Update #06-01, Revision of ADS 101 - Agency Programs and Functions.

Issued: 02/07/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

Revisions were made to section 101.3.3, Overall Organizational Approaches for USAID, to reflect changes in policy regarding country focus as reflected in ADS 201. Sections 101.3.4 and 101.3.5 were removed from the chapter as the material is more appropriately included in the ADS 200 series of chapters.

* Revisions to ADS Chapter 101 - Agency Programs and Functions.

Issued: 02/01/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

This chapter defines the authorities from which USAID operates and provides the necessary policy regarding the Agency’s programs, functions, and methods of operations. In addition, the chapter provides the functional statements for all of USAID’s organizational units..

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Series 200: Programming Policy
Series 200 Interim Update #06-05, Issuance of ADS 252 Revision, Visa Compliance for Exchange Visitors.

Issued: 03/02/2006     Posted: 03/30/2006

This notice announces a newly revised ADS chapter in the 200 Programming Policy Series. This revision includes some substantive changes, as follows: a new section devoted to the criteria for waiving the J-1 visa requirement; new documentation requirement and emphasis added on fraud detection to the Security and Fraud Risk Inquiry; new language regarding the use of the Web-based version of TraiNet; a new requirement that Missions and Implementing partners validate an exchange visitor's departure from the United States, and; new requirements regarding the copying of the form DS-2019.

* Revisions to ADS Chapter 252 Visa Compliance for Exchange Visitors.

Issued: 02/24/2006     Posted: 03/06/2006

This chapter provides policy directives and required procedures for foreign nationals traveling to the United States (U.S.), who are financed, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by USAID, for training, non-training, and invitational travel events. For information on Participant Training, see ADS 253, Training for Development. For information on Invitational Travel, see ADS 522.5.12.

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Lookup Table Of Established Codes - A Mandatory Reference for ADS Chapter 260.

Issued: 02/21/2006     Posted: 03/08/2006

This Lookup Table lists the accepted codes, which have been put into EDP computer memory. Careful consideration of prescribed codes will help to prevent costly report reruns.

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Series 200 Interim Update #06-04, Update of ADS 212 – Breastfeeding Promotion Policy.

Issued: 02/09/2006     Posted: 03/14/2006

In this revision of ADS 212, the main change is in 212.3.1 (Current Accepted Norms Concerning Optimal Breastfeeding), which now provides updated technical guidance on criteria to determine when to continue promotion of exclusive breastfeeding, or introduce nutritionally complete breast milk substitutes, in high HIV prevalence settings. In addition, a companion Mandatory Internal Reference for ADS 212, entitled "Guidelines for Documenting Exceptions to ADS 212.3.2" has been revised. These guidelines specify the documentation that must be in place to justify an exception to the USAID Breastfeeding Promotion policies specified in ADS 212.3.2.

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Series 200 Interim Update #06-02, Policy Framework for Bilateral Foreign Aid.

Issued: 02/06/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

This notice announces the Agency's Policy Framework for Bilateral Foreign Aid. It is based on the Agency White Paper, U.S. Foreign Aid: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century. This policy focuses on the strategic management of United States bilateral foreign aid. To improve policy coherence and address both real and perceived issues of effectiveness, this policy identifies, clarifies, and distinguishes among USAID's core strategic goals; calls for a clearer alignment of resources with each goal; and establishes principles for strategic management to achieve results in terms of each goal. It thereby provides the overarching framework for USAID strategies and policies, and for USAID strategic planning, budgeting and programming.

Policy Framework for Bilateral Foreign AID.

Issued: 02/06/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

This policy focuses on the strategic management of U.S. bilateral foreign aid.

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Series 200 Interim Update #06-01, Policy Guidance on Mitigating the Development Impacts of HIV/AIDS.

Issued: 01/17/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

PPC has drafted new policy guidance requiring operating units working in high-HIV countries (i.e., >5 percent adult prevalence) to assess and, as appropriate, incorporate efforts to mitigate the negative development impacts of HIV/AIDS as part of their strategic plans. In doing so, operating units are encouraged to adopt a multi-sectoral approach that involves collaboration across affected SO teams.

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Guidelines for Documenting Exceptions to ADS 212.3.2.

Issued: 01/04/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

A Mandatory Reference for ADS Chapter 212.

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Series 200 Interim Update #05-14, Interim Budgetary Guidance for Reprogramming of Funds for Urgent Avian Influenza Related Activities.

Issued: 11/03/2005     Posted: 03/03/2006

The following guidance covers the reprogramming of funds for immediate AI related activities prior to the availability of FY 06 AI funds. Missions and regions are asked to be creative and to work within existing resource constraints. Mission requests for reprogramming funds into AI activities should be passed through the designated point person in the regional bureau. Any redirected funds should be tagged so that the Agency can track the AI obligations. A budget code has been established for all expenditures associated with AI.

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Series 300: Acquisition & Assistance
Series 300 Interim Update #06-01, USAID Policy Guidance on Posting Grant Opportunities and Application Packages on

Issued: 01/06/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

As of December 19, 2005, grant and cooperative agreement Request for Application (RFA) and Annual Program Statement (APS) announcements, modifications to the announcements, and the corresponding application packages must be posted to to allow for electronic submission of applications.

Specific Steps to Post an Application Package on

Issued: 01/06/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

Actual Steps for Posting an Application Package on

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Series 400: Personnel
Revisions to ADS Chapter 461 Employee Evaluation Program, Foreign Service and Senior Foreign Service.

Issued: 03/27/2006     Posted: 03/30/2006

This chapter does not apply to Civil Service (CS) employees (including Schedule C employees and employees whose appointments are administratively determined), Presidential Appointees, Senior Executive Service (SES) employees, or experts and consultants under the authority of 5 U.S.C. 43 and 5 CFR 430, Performance Management, Subpart B, Performance Appraisal for General Schedule, Prevailing Rate and Certain Other Employees.

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Revisions to ADS Chapter 418 Promotion and Internal Placement Program for Civil Service (CS) Employees.

Issued: 03/01/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

This chapter provides the policies and procedures for managing the United States Agency for International Development's (USAID’s) Promotion and Internal Placement Program for Civil Service employees. The objectives of the program are to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and to provide the Agency with the best-qualified candidates to fill competitive service positions. This chapter also introduces and implements a human resources system that automates the recruitment, assessment, referral, and selection processes associated with the merit promotion program. The provisions of this chapter may be applied to program and internal placement actions within the excepted service at the discretion of the Agency.

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Revisions to ADS Chapter 440 Time-in-Class (TIC) Limitations and Limited Career Extensions (LCEs).

Issued: 03/01/2006     Posted: 03/06/2006

This Chapter Supercedes Handbook 25, Chapter 37, in its Entirety and Handbook 25, Chapter 38, Paragraphs 38K3 – 38K4, in their Entirety. It incorporates USAID/General Notice, dated 7/19/2005, and entitled "New Expanded Policy on Time-In-Class Limits and Career Extensions".

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Revisions to ADS Chapter 421 Senior Executive Service Performance Management System.

Issued: 10/01/2005     Posted: 03/14/2006

This document represents the performance management system for the USAID Senior Executive Service (SES). The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (USOPM) approved USAID’s SES performance management system in November 2004.

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Series 500: Management Services
Authorized Senders for Agency Notices.

Issued: 03/16/2006     Posted: 03/16/2006

A Listing of Authorized Senders and codes for sending Agency Notices.

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Series 500 Interim Update #06-02, ADS 511 Vital Records Program.

Issued: 02/10/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

This new chapter provides the policy and procedures for identifying vital records and preparing vital records reports. A portion of the information was taken from ADS 502 Records Management, section 502.5.4 Vital Records, and incorporated into ADS 511.

Revisions to ADS Chapter 511 Vital Records Program.

The purpose of the USAID Vital Records Program is to ensure that in the event of an emergency, USAID has in place the appropriate emergency operating records to assist the Continuity of Operations Program (COOP) during the emergency and the necessary rights and interests records to rebuild afterwards.

Vital Records Most Frequently Asked Questions. Additional Help for ADS 511.

The following is a list of the most frequently asked questions of Vital Records.

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Series 500 Interim Update #06-01, Policy/Changes to ADS 514 Parking Program.

Issued: 02/07/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

The ADS Chapter 514, Parking Program, section 514.3.1 Allocation or Permits has been revised to include Personal Service Contractors (PSCs) along with Direct-Hire employees to be primary holders of parking permits. However, Direct-Hire employees will be given first preference during the annual ranking process.

Revisions to ADS Chapter 514 Parking Program Administration.

This chapter provides the basis for issuing parking permits for the limited number of spaces available to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in the Ronald Reagan Building (RRB).

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Series 500 Interim Update #05-14, Revised ADS 504, Agency Notices, and Corresponding References.

Issued: 11/02/2005     Posted: 03/03/2006

M/AS/IRD made substantive and editorial modifications to ADS 504 and its references. Some of these changes were made after receiving feedback from USAID/W and Mission personnel and BTEC.

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Series 600: Budget Services
Series 600 Interim Update #06-02, Intermittent PSC Contracts and Allowance Benefits.

Issued: 02/28/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

This notice indicates that USAID employees hired under long term Personal Services contract arrangements and temporarily assigned to a post on an intermittent or periodic as needed basis are entitled to payment of post hardship differential pay, where applicable, only after 42 consecutive days of continuous unbroken assignment in the post. Post differential pay under this requirement conforms to Department of State Standard Regulations (DSSR) Part 540.

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Series 600 Interim Update #06-01, 2006 Appropriation Codes.

Issued: 02/23/2006     Posted: 03/03/2006

With the implementation of the MACS Auxiliary Ledger in AID/W in FY 2001, the three-digit appropriation code from the CFR Allotment System became obsolete. It has been replaced in the table by the Phoenix Fund Code. The Phoenix Fund Code is the budget fiscal year/letter code that identifies the Treasury Appropriation/Fund account in the Phoenix system.

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Fri, 28 Apr 2006 14:16:10 -0500