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USAID distributes First Lady’s Donation of Art Kits to Disadvantaged South African children
Remarks by Eilene Oldwine, Acting USAID Director
July 31, 2003

Good morning.  I am Eilene Oldwine, Acting Director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in South Africa.

Consul General, David Dunn;
Public Affairs Associates;
Self-Help Coordinators;
USAID Colleagues;
Members of the Media;

and most especially to our honored guests this morning—Representatives from Local  Community Projects assisted by the U.S. Ambassador’s Self-Help Fund:

Eilene Oldwide, Deputy Director of USAID distibutes art kits to South African children It is an honor to greet you this morning amidst gorgeous Johannesburg winter weather.   

 You may feel a bit chilly since it is South Africa’s cold season, but the White House team who visited this country a few weeks ago marveled at the mild winter climate in this part of the world.  Washington’s temperatures plummet below zero degrees when winter time hits. 

 Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to join us today.   We know that your lives are dedicated to helping historically disadvantaged South African children improve their opportunities for health, education and happiness.  We applaud your sacrifices and are glad to support your efforts through the American Ambassador’s Self-Help Program that USAID funds in South Africa and throughout the world. 

 I hope that your participation with us today will help brighten the children’s lives a little bit more on behalf of the First Lady of The United States of America, Laura W. Bush.   

The First Lady of America loves children.  She asked U.S. Consul General David Dunn and me to give her gift of art kits to youngsters in South Africa who could really use them.  We knew just where to go.  The Ambassador’s Self-Help coordinators spend their time in needy communities.  They have chosen you to receive these children’s art kits.  Those of you assembled with us today are from shelters for homeless kids, informal settlements, sanctuaries for sick and abused kids, preschools in poor areas, and special projects that help children with HIV and AIDS.   

The First Lady and the American Ambassador to South Africa send their regrets that they could not be physically present with us here this morning.  But I hope to send photographs to them, showing you these gifts in the very hands of the children who will enjoy the art kits. 

The First Lady will hear how her donation of art kits will be adding color to your projects as you daily supply basic necessities for children in need.  On behalf of the First Lady, I commend your devotion to feeding, educating, healing, comforting, caring for and loving these South African children who struggle daily against tremendous odds.

 Thank you.

 Contact Reverie Zurba at USAID for further information:; (012) 452-2000

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