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Talking Points for Ambassador Lewis
Ntinga Micro-enterprise Support Project
and the Thekwini Business Development Center
Wednesday, November 1, 2000
8:15-9:15 a.m.

Director du Toit (Francois du Toit is Director of Ntinga),

Mr. Madlala (Protas Madlala is CEO of Thekwini),

Partners in the Project and the Development Center,

Good morning. It's great to be here.

As many of you know, one of the key goals that I set for myself as the U.S. Ambassador to South Africa is to assist economic development in this country.

Mrs. Lewis and I are delighted to visit the Thekwini Business Development Center, for this project represents the synergy that can develop between South African and American organizations working together to promote the development of the previously disadvantaged business sector.

This local business center was established three years ago as a project of the Durban Metro Council, assisted by Ntinga and the United States Agency for International Development.

I believe that the type of work accomplished through the Ntinga Project and the Thekwini Business Development Center is central to the future economic development of South Africa.

Small business growth is critical to increased employment, income generation and economic equity. The astounding success being achieved by Thekwini in training entrepreneurs to be successful is certainly a mark of a Center of Excellence.

The HIV/AIDS pandemic will adversely impact all business sectors in South Africa. However, business can play a very constructive role in increasing the awareness of this dreaded epidemic as well as, mitigating some of its worst economic impacts.

I am encouraged to note that this project has an HIV/AIDS awareness component that will eventually be linked to as many as six thousand micro-enterprises within South Africa.

The leadership behind the Ntinga Micro-enterprise Support Project and the Thekwini Business Development Center understand the importance of empowering micro-entrepreneurs. By increasing access to financing, business training and linkages, manufacturing opportunities, and management services, the Ntinga Support Project has already helped more than thirteen hundred individuals enhance their skills and become more bankable.

Each of us here today benefits by the creative small and medium enterprises that have developed as a direct result of the Ntinga Projects support.

I'm excited to be here today, and want to congratulate each of you on the tremendous impact that you have within this community and across the country.

Thank you.

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