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Golden Gate Recreation Area:

A 3-D Tour Featuring Park Geology

Click here to start a 3-D tour of the park. You will need 3-D glasses to view this series of anaglyphic images.
Click here to see a thumbnail gallery. Click on any of the images to continue to the next page in the linked page series.
Otherwise, click here to see the same tour in standard images.

Chick here to see more 3-D geology tours of national parks.

map of Golden Gate National Recreation Area

This geologic map is modified from Wahrhaftig and Murchey, 1987 after "Geology of the Golden Gate Headlands", an article by William Elder in the field trip guidebook: Geology and Natural History of the San Francisco Bay Area, USGS Bulletin 2188 . The map shows only a portion of the Golden Gate Recreation Area, highlighting the location of images presented in this website.

Click here for a geologic map that shows locations of the park on the south side of San Francisco Bay.

This website is an image tour of the Marin Headlands and Presidio of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. All images were taken in early March, 2003.

The images of the 3-D tour are anaglyphs. They are large (~800 KB each) and may be slow to download, and require red and cyan 3-D viewing glasses. The image below is a pair of 3-D (anaglyph) viewing glasses.

A search on the World Wide Web will yield many sites about anaglyphs and where to get 3-D glasses.

This website was prepared by Phil Stoffer and Eleyne Phillips
USGS Western Earth Surface Processes Team, Menlo Park, California.

U.S. Department of the Interior - U.S. Geological Survey - Geology Discipline
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