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Stratigraphy of Grand Canyon National Park

Click on any stratigraphic name for more information.
Grand Canyon National Park Stratigraphy
Grand Canyon National Park

Click here to see photography of Grand Canyon National Park. This includes views along and within the canyon and a collection of historic images along the Colorado River taken by the Powell Expedition of 1872. Website images include both standard photograph and 3D views (as anaglyphs - requiring red-and-cyan 3D viewing glasses).

This view is looking east (upstream) along the Grand Canyon from the Toroweap Overlook area. Massive cliffs of the Redwall Sandtone dominate the canyon at Toroweap.

For more information about Grand Canyon National Park check out the National Park Sevice website at:

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Generalized stratigraphy after an unpublished NPS flyer on park stratigraphy and modified after Bues, S.S. and Morales, M., 1990, Grand Canyon Geology: New York: Oxford University Press, p. 9.

Stratigraphic unit information is modified from the USGS GeoLex (Lexicon of Geology):

A generalized geologic time scale is available at: Your first click to the U.S. Government
Chinle Formation Moenkopi Formation Kaibab Limestone Toroweap Formation Coconino Sandstone Hermit Shale Esplanade Sandstone Wescogame Formation Manakacha Formation Watahomigi Formation Supai Group Surprise Canyon Formation Redwall Limestone Temple Butte Formation Muav Limestone Tonto Group Grand Canyon Supergroup Sixtymile Formation Chuar Group Kwagunt Formation Galeros Formation Nankoweap Formation Unkar Group Cardenas Lava Dox Sandstone Shinumo Quartzite Hakatai Shale Bass Limestone Vishnu Basement Rocks Bright Angel Shale Tapeats Sandstone