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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Location: Delta Obesity Prevention Research Unit

2007 Annual Report

1a.Objectives (from AD-416)
The objective of this cooperative research project is to evaluate the nutritional health in the Lower Mississippi Delta, to identify nutritionally responsive problems, and to design and evaluate interventions that may be sustained at the community level and implemented on a larger scale in similar areas of the United States.

1b.Approach (from AD-416)
Developing capacity as necessary, the Lower Mississippi Delta Nutrition Intervention Research Initiative (Delta NIRI) Consortium will identify environmental and community characteristics related to nutritional status; measure dietary intake; assess nutritional risk factors; design, conduct, and evaluate interventions in the Lower Mississippi Delta. Southern University & A&M College (SU) Center of Excellence for Food, Nutrition, and Health Promotion (COE-FNHP) specifically will support community-based participatory research in Franklin Parish, LA, and other sites as mutually agreed upon. In addition, the Center will support dietary intake and food consumption assessments of the research investigations and activities of the Delta NIRI, design and test culturally appropriate nutrition intervention strategies to reduce food insecurity in the rural Lower Mississippi Delta (LMD) of low income children and their families. Further, the Center will explore establishment of a graduate school in nutritional sciences at SU.

3.Progress Report
Monitoring of cooperator’s performance and adherence to conditions of the agreement was by: a strategic planning session; two site visits (one for data collection and one for technical assistance); quarterly reports consisting of budgetary material, progress towards goals and objectives, and review of publications and manuscripts in progress; community visits to determine progress at research sites and numerous conference calls and emails.

Thornton, A., McGee, B., Paeratakul, S., Mellad, K., Eubanks, G., Fomby, B., Gossett, J., Bardell, K. 2006. The influence of socio-demographic factors on psycho-social beliefs in rural Lower Mississippi Delta residents. Race, Gender & Class. 13(1-2):154-167. Thornton, A., Bardell, K., McGee, B., Gossett, J. 2007. Socio-economic and structural correlates of health perception, knowledge and practices among low-income families with children. In Samuel, V.T., editor. Perspectives on Family Empowerment. Kutlikanam: Marian College. p. 122-132. McGee, B.B., Richardson, V., Johnson, G., Thornton, A., Johnson, C., Yadrick, K., Ndirangu, M., Goolsby, S., Groves, D., Simpson, P., Hyman, E., Stigger, F., Bogle, M.L., Kramer, T.R., Strickland, E., McCabe-Sellers, B.J. 2006. Perceptions of factors influencing the acquisition and consumption of healthy food in the lower Mississippi delta: focus group findings. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. In press.

Franklin CAN Aims to Prevent Childhood Obesity: Childhood obesity continues to exist in Louisiana children at higher rates than elsewhere in the US. Lower Mississippi Delta NIRI cooperator scientists from Southern University and A&M College developed and implemented a school-based childhood obesity prevention feasibility study in Franklin Parish, LA, entitled "Franklin Children and Nutrition (CAN)". The goal of the school-based intervention was to promote and positively affect healthy food choices and healthy weight among fourth grade students in a rural, low-income community, and this was accomplished by utilizing a nutrition curriculum, a healthy nutrition environment, and a family component. Results from the intervention showed increased awareness of the benefits of nutrition and physical activity, consumption of healthy snack alternatives, and physical activity by the students. In evaluating the intervention, the children indicated that they enjoyed the planned activities, and teachers expressed satisfaction with the intervention and a need for additional nutrition and physical activity opportunities for children in Franklin Parish. The success of this intervention reinforces additional studies that need to be implemented in this rural community. (NP 107, Human Nutrition Action Plan 2004-2008: Component 7: Health Promoting Intervention Strategies for Targeted Populations: ARS Strategic Plan Objective 4.l: Promote Healthier Individual Food Choices and Lifestyles and Prevent Obesity: and Performance Measure 4.1.1: Execute and report on two completed Delta NIRI projects)

People United to Sustain Health (PUSH): The Franklin Parish (LA) community identified as a problem that participants in the "Rolling Store" component of the People United to Sustain Health (PUSH) Study lacked the knowledge of preparing fresh fruits and vegetables. Lower Mississippi Delta NIRI cooperator scientists from Southern University and A&M College translated scientific information on a variety of fruits and vegetables into an easy to understand format that included vivid pictures and tested recipes. Cooperating scientists developed a series of easy-to-read, colorful leaflets on the nutritional benefits and cooking guidelines for fresh fruits and vegetables, and a peer educator used the leaflets to provide participants valuable guidance in purchasing, storing, and preparing fresh fruits and vegetables. The information in the leaflets empowered the study participants who are at risk for nutrition-related chronic diseases to prepare and consume more servings of fruits and vegetables, according to the Dietary Guidelines. These layman's informational leaflets serve as excellent tools for this and future intervention studies. (NP 107, Human Nutrition Action Plan 2004-2008: Component 7: Health Promoting Intervention Strategies for Targeted Populations: ARS Strategic Plan Objective 4.l: Promote Healthier Individual Food Choices and Lifestyles and Prevent Obesity: and Performance Measure 4.1.1: Execute and report on two completed Delta NIRI projects)

Sharing Healthy Innovative Nutrition Experiences (Camp SHINE): A lack of nutrition education and physical activity opportunities exists among fifth graders in the Franklin Parish, LA, community, which has the potential to contribute to obesity in this population. Lower Mississippi Delta NIRI cooperator scientists from Southern University and A&M College developed and assisted in the implementation of a feasibility study that was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a day-camp style intervention entitled "Camp Shine", with the potential to contribute to obesity prevention in this age group. Age-appropriate interactive nutrition education games and physical activities were selected for the two sessions, 4 days/week for a 4-week intervention. Results include increased awareness of the benefits of nutrition and physical activity, consumption of fruits and vegetables, and physical activity by the campers. In evaluating the intervention, the children indicated that they enjoyed all but a few of the planned activities and would like to attend a similar intervention program next year. This feedback is important if we are to make a significant impact on childhood obesity in the US. (NP 107, Human Nutrition Action Plan 2004-2008: Component 7: Health Promoting Intervention Strategies for Targeted Populations: ARS Strategic Plan Objective 4.l: Promote Healthier Individual Food Choices and Lifestyles and Prevent Obesity: and Performance Measure 4.1.1: Execute and report on two completed Delta NIRI projects)

6.Technology Transfer
Number of non-peer reviewed presentations and proceedings 2


Project Team
Bogle, Margaret
McCabe-Sellers, Beverly
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2007
  FY 2006
  FY 2005
Related National Programs
  Human Nutrition (107)
Last Modified: 11/08/2008
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