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Geology of National Parks: National Park Service Support Project


A parking lot near eroding cliffs, Ocean Beach, Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

The National Park Service (NPS) relies heavily on US Geological Survey scientists for geologic maps and topical research focused on natural resources and geologic hazards. The “Geology of National Parks” project is one of several in the USGS Geologic Discipline that provide geologic information to NPS resource managers. The project supports the development of geologic maps, scientific reports, and interpretive products requested by individual park units, the NPS Geologic Resources Division, and the NPS Inventory and Monitoring Program. Project members collaborate with NPS in their inventories of geologic mapping, identification of monitoring needs, and presentation of training workshops. Funding for this project is provided by the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program, USGS Office of the Chief Scientist for Geology, and the National Park Service.

Grand Canyon rainstorm
Grand Canyon NP/Parashant NM
Pipe Springs National Monument Spring house
Pipe Spring NM
Sue Beard at Lake Mead National Recreation Area explaining the geology to a tour
Lake Mead NRA
Delaware Water Gap
Delaware Water Gap NRA
The Potomac River
National Capital Region Parks
Devils Tower National Monument
Devil's Tower NM
The Giacomini Property
Point Reyes NS
Golden Gate Bridge, with Crissy Field, part of Golden Gate National Recreation Area behind the bridge
Golden Gate NRA
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FirstGov, 'Your First Click to the U. S. Government' U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Maintainer: Western Earth Service Processes Team Webmasters
Last update: Wed 7, May 2003
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