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Windows of Hope

Photo of woman in Kufar Dan, West Bank

Photo of two women in Kufar Dan, West Bank

Photo of woman in Kufar Dan, West Bank

USAID/West Bank/Gaza

Suheir, a 29 year old woman with a baby in her arms, was the first to speak. "I'm the mother of five children, and I can't wait any longer for my husband to find work." Previously employed in Israel, Suheir's husband had not worked for close to two years. Since the Intifada began in September 2000, the small West Bank village of Kufar Dan had been under siege, making it impossible for Suheir's husband - in fact, all men from the village - to travel outside to find work. Soon the family savings were depleted, forcing Suheir to sell the gold jewelry given to her at her wedding to buy food for the family. Now that money had run out, too. Desperate, Suheir's hopes for the future were placed on a public health training program funded by USAID.

This was the first story I heard, visiting an emergency employment generation program in Kufar Dan run by the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC). As the Country Representative for the IOCC, that morning I had traveled from Jerusalem to meet with the participants of a new public health and environmental awareness training program. My drive had taken me through the Jenin Valley, carpeted with a profusion of purple, white, yellow and red flowers - their beauty a stark contrast to the strained and anxious faces now in front of me.

Nuhad, 33 years old, stood up next to speak. "I'm married with one child, a six year old son" she said. Her words surprised me, since families in rural Palestine are large, composed of six or more. I asked Nuhad why she had only one child. "My husband hasn't worked in three years," she answered. Her face suddenly red, she turned away from me before continuing. "We used up the family savings the first year, for food and medicine. Then my husband began sneaking out of our village early each morning to try to find work. I was so frightened. There was closures and checkpoints, he could have been shot and killed! Had it not been for God's protecting hands, I would be a widow now."

Offered a job at a kindergarten in Kufar Dan, Nuhad accepted the work gratefully. The monthly salary of 410 shekels ($85) was enough to buy food for the family, but not more. "I dreamed of having another child, but how could I?" Nuhad asked sadly. Describing these events, Nuhad broke into tears.

I couldn't believe my ears, knowing how important children are for the status of a village woman. Yet, despite such heartbreak, Nuhad - and Suheir, and the other woman gathered together this morning to meet with me - hadn't given up. They were here, learning a new skill, determined to make a better life for themselves and their families. This public health training course, part of USAID's emergency employment generation program throughout the West Bank and Gaza, represented a "window of hope" to a better future.

The $28,000 given by USAID to IOCC for this village-based emergency employment program provided 287 public health and environmental awareness training sessions and 1,252 employment days for unemployed West Bank Palestinians, the majority of them women. But I am sure the most valuable thing that it provided was hope.

By: Nora Kurt, IOCC Representative

See also:
USAID in West Bank-Gaza:
WBG Mission Website:


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Fri, 29 Jun 2007 17:02:04 -0500