USAID From the American People




Map of Zambia
Map of Zambia

Where is Zambia?

Zambia is located in South Central Africa.

What is USAID?

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is the U.S. government agency which provides economic development and humanitarian assistance to advance U.S. economic and political interests overseas.
More in-depth information concerning USAID's overall approach to development is contained in our Strategies for Sustainable Development. If you'd like information concerning specific policies guiding USAID's activities overseas, see USAID's subject-specific policy papers.

How long has USAID been working in this region?

USAID has been working in Zambia since 1977.

Could you send me some general information on USAID activities in this region?

General information on the Missions activities in Zambia, is on our Programs page and in our document archive. For more specific information on any of our programs, please contact the Public Information Office.

How can I receive funding from the USAID/Zambia Mission?

The majority of USAID's work is done through organizations selected by a competitive procurement process in keeping with the U.S. Government's procurement policy. activities for which implementers are sought are designed specifically to achieve U.S. assistance objectives laid out in the U.S. Assistance Strategies , available elsewhere on this web site. Procurement opportunities are listed on USAID's home site, and interested parties can sign up to be notified of new procurements via e-mail. Infrequently and under limited circumstances, unsolicited proposals are funded. Guidelines for unsolicited proposals are available through the Public Information office.

How do I apply for a job with the USAID/Zambia Mission?

Current vacancies can be found on our employment opportunities page and in local newspapers. Please refer to EXO page for further details.


How can I do business with the USAID/Zambia Mission?

USAID/Zambia-funded activities are carried out through contracts and grants to U.S., Zambia and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and contractors. For more information on available opportunities, please visit our Information for Implementers page.

Who are USAID/Zambia current partners, grantees, and contractors?

A list of Web sites of our partners, grantees, and contractors can be found on our links page. Which U.S. Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) do business with USAID?
USAID's Office of Private and Voluntary Cooperation in Washington, D.C. maintains a list of registered PVOs. You may search their database to find your specific organization.

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