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Beverly J McCabe-Sellers
Delta Obesity Prevention Research Unit

Phone: (501) 954-8882
Fax: (501) 954-9596

Delta Obesity Prevention Research Program
Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 408537
Delta Nutrition Intervention Research Initiative - Alcorn State University
Specific Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 408238
Delta Nutrition Intervention Research Initiative - Pennington Biomedical Research Center (Pbrc)
Specific Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 408193
Delta Obesity Prevention Research Program - Mid Delta Community Consortium
Specific Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 413503
Delta Nutrition Intervention Research Initiative - Southern University and A&m College Center for Food, Nutrition, and Health Promotion
Specific Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 408199
Delta Nutrition Intervention Research Initiative (Delta Obesity Prevention Research Unit) - University of Southern Mississippi
Specific Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 408186
Delta Obesity Prevention Research Program - Boys, Girls, and Adults Community Development Center, Marvell, AR
Specific Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 413528
Delta Nutrition Intervention Research Initiative - Arkansas Children's Hospital Research Institute
Specific Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 408239
Delta Nutrition Intervention Research Initiative - University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Specific Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 408237

Personalizing nutrigenomics research through community based participatory research and omics technologies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mccabe Sellers, B.J., Lovera, D., Nuss, H.J., Wise, C., Ning, B., Teitel, C., Shelby Clark, B., Toennessen, T., Green, B., Bogle, M.L., Kaput, J. Personalizing nutrigenomics research through community based participatory research and omics technologies. 2008. Journal of Integrative Biology.12(4):263-272.
Children are more willing to try fruits and vegetables than they report - (Abstract) - (30-Jun-08)
Community participatory physical activity intervention targets children at high risk for obesity - (Abstract)
Yadrick, K., Threadgill, P., Williams, A., Crook, L., Connell, C., Zoellner, J., Strickland, E., Rowser, M., Warren, D., Mccabe Sellers, B.J. Community participatory physical activity intervention targets children at high risk for obesity [abstract]. Journal Of The American Dietetic Association.108(9):A96.
Community participatory physical activity intervention targets children at high risk for obesity - (Abstract) - (31-Mar-08)
Are nutrient databases and nutrient analysis systems ready for the International implications of nutrigenomics? - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Chenard, C., Lovera, D., Bogle, M.L. 2008. Are nutrient databases and nutrient analysis systems ready for the international implications of nutrigenomics [abstract]? In: Program and Abstract Booklet, 32nd National Nutrient Databank Conference, Nutrient Databases Without Borders, May 12-14, 2008, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. p. 16.
Food recognition and willingness to try fruits and vegetables of rural children in grades 4-6 - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Strickland, E., Lovera, D., Duke, S.E., Thomson, J.L., Bogle, M.L. 2008. Food recognition and willingness to try fruits and vegetables of rural children in grades 4-6 [abstract]. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 40(4):S28.
Skate: Recognition, Experience, Willingness and Intake of Fruit and Vegetable Snacks in Rural School Aged Children at Risk for Obesity - (Abstract) - (29-Jan-08)
Documenting the need for nutrition and health intervention for middle-aged and older adults in the Lower Mississippi Delta (LMD) region - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Johnson, G.S., McGee, B.B., Simpson, P.M., Gossett, J.M., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Thornton, A., Johnson, C., Richardson, V., Bogle, M.L., James-Holly, D. 2008. Documenting the need for nutrition and health intervention for middle-aged and older adults in the Lower Mississippi Delta (LMD) region. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly. 27(1/2):83-99
Food Composition Data: The Foundation of Dietetic Practice and Research - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Penington, J., Stumbo, P., Murphy, S.P., McNutt, S., Eldridge, A., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Chenard, C. 2007. Food composition data: The foundation of dietetic practice and research. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 107(12):2105-2113.
What do children eat in the Delta: Results from development of a regional child food frequency questionnaire - (Abstract)
Champagne, C., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Strickland, E., Stuff, J., Connell, C., Bogle, M.L. 2007. What do children eat in the Delta: Results from development of a regional child food frequency questionnaire [abstract]. Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the Obesity Society, October 20-24, 2007, New Orleans, Louisiana. Abstract 720-P 2007:15:A222.
An assessment of children's willingness to try new foods in the rural Mississippi Delta - (Abstract)
Strickland, E., Mccabe Sellers, B.J., Bogle, M.L. 2007. An Assessment of Children's Willingness to Try New Foods in the Rural Mississippi Delta. Proceedings of Program Abstract Supplement of the Obesity Society 2007 Scientific Meeting, Abstract 707-P 2007:15:A222.
Meeting the Needs of U.S. Dietitians for Food Composition Data - (Review Article)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Chenard, C., Bogle, M.L. 2007. Meeting the needs of U.S. dietitians for food composition data. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. doi:10.1016/j.jfca.2007.07.002.
Poverty and Food Intake in Rural America: Diet quality is lower in Food Insecure Adults in the Mississippi Delta. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Champagne, C.M., Casey, P.H., Connell, C.L., Stuff, J.E., Gossett, J.M., Harsha, D.W., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Robbins, J.M., Simpson, P.M., Weber, J.L., Bogle, M.L. 2007. Poverty and food intake in rural America: Diet quality is lower in food insecure adults in the Mississippi Delta. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 107(11):1886-1894.
Comprehensive Participatory Planning and Evaluation (CPPE) Process Strengthens the Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Method to Improve Health in Rural Delta Communities. - (Abstract)
Bogle, M.L., Champagne, C., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Weber, J., Hyman, E., McGee, B., Prewitt, E., Yadrick, K. 2007. Comprehensive Participatory Planning and Evaluation (CPPE) process strengthens the Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) method to improve health in rural Delta communities [abstract]. Proceeding of International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. p. 119.
Relationship between religiosity and body weight in a rural, underserved population in the Southern region of the United States - (Abstract)
Kim, K.H., Jo, C., Simpson, P., Gossett, J., Johnson, G.S., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Thornton, A., Prewitt, E., McGee, B.B. 2007. Relationship between religiosity and body weight in a rural, underserved population in the southern region of the United States [abstract]. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Oslo, Norway. p. 254.
Implementation of a 12-month community-based walking program to promote health in a rural, high risk, minority population - (Abstract)
Weber, J.L., Logan, H., Russell, E., Watkins, D.R., Jo, C., Stigger, F., Sims, D., McCabe Sellers, B.J. 2007. Implementation of a 12-month community-based walking program to promote health in a rural, high risk, minority population [abstract]. Proceedings of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. p. 120.
Assessment of the Diet Quality of U.S. Adults in the Lower Mississippi Delta - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Bowman, S.A., Stuff, J.E., Champagne, C.M., Simpson, P.M., Bogle, M.L. 2007. Assessment of the diet quality of U.S. adults in the Lower Mississippi Delta. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 86(3):697-706.
Virtues and challenges in using the community based participatory research (cbpr) approach by the delta nutrition research initiative (delta niri) in developing rural community walking studies to lower obesity risks - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Champagne, C.M., Bradley, B.J., Weber, J., Bogle, M.L. 2007. Virtues and challenges in using the community based participatory research (CBPR) approach by the Delta Nutrition Research Initiative (Delta NIRI) in developing rural community walking studies to lower obesity risks [abstract]. Proceedings of International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. p. 121.
Development and Implementation of a Summer Youth Nutrition Education and Physical Activity Intervention in a Rural Mississippi Delta Community - (Abstract)
Strickland, E., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Warren, D., Lucas, G., Threadgill, P., Bogle, M.L. 2007. Development and implementation of a summer youth nutrition education and physical activity intervention in a rural Mississippi Delta community [abstract]. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Oslo, Norway. p. 249.
Building Research Literacy - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Wallace, K.L., Strickland, E., Lovera, D., Bogle, M.L. 2007. Building research literacy [abstract]. The Institute for Community Research: Cross Roads II Community Based Collaborative Research for Social Justice, June 7-9, 2007, Hartford, CT. p. 14.
Eating patterns of children in the Delta: Developing a child food frequency questionnaire for this rural impoverished population - (Abstract)
Champagne, C.M., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Strickland, E., Stuff, J.E., Connell, C.L., Bogle, M.L. 2007. Eating patterns of children in the Delta: Developing a child food frequency questionnaire for this rural impoverished population [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 21(6):lb221.
Community Capacity for Sustainability of Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions in Small, Rural Communities - (Abstract)
Yadrick, K., Kennedy, B.K., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Strickland, E., Franklin, J.L., Bogle, M.L. 2007. Community capacity for sustainability of nutrition and physical activity interventions in small, rural communities [abstract]. In: Proceedings of Community-Campus Partnerships for Health 10th Anniversary Conference Mobilizing Parnerships for Social Change. p. 44-45.
Building Research Literacy - (Abstract)
Lovera, D., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Wallace, K.L., Strickland, E., Bogle, M.L. 2007. Building research literacy [abstract]. Proceedings, Cross Roads II Community-Based Collaborative Research for Social Justice, June 7-9, 2007. Hartford, Connecticut. p. 14.
Perceptions of factors influencing the acquisition and consumption of health food in the Lower Mississippi Delta: Focus Group Findings - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
McGee, B.B., Richardson, V., Johnson, G., Thornton, A., Johnson, C., Yadrick, K., Ndirangu, M., Goolsby, S., Groves, D., Simpson, P., Hyman, E., Stigger, F., Bogle, M.L., Kramer, T.R., Strickland, E., McCabe Sellers, B.J. 2008. Perceptions of factors influenceing the acquisition and consumption of health food in the Lower Mississippi Delta: Focus group findings. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 40(2):102-109.
Religion and Body Weight in the Lower Mississippi Delta - (Abstract) - (08-Dec-06)
Food Safety and Bioterrorism - (Book/Chapter)
Beattie, S., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Bogle, M.L. 2007. Food safety and bioterrorism. In: Edelstein, S., editor. Managing Food and Nutrition Services for the Culinary, Hospitality, and Nutrition Professions. Sudbury, MA:Jones and Bartlett, Inc. p. 403-427.
The Role of Community Walking Programs to Improve Health, and Prevent Obesity, in Rural, High Risk, Minority Populations - (Abstract)
Weber, J.M., Yadrick, K., Zoellner, J., Champagne, C., Bradley, B., Sims, D., Mccabe Sellers, B.J., Bogle, M.L. 2007. The role of community walking programs to improve health, and prevent obesity, in rural, high risk, minority populations. Proceedings of International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. P. 119.
Are Dietitian's Needs for Data Being Met? - (Proceedings/Symposium) - (20-Sep-06)
Household Food Insecurity and Obesity, Chronic Disease, and Chronic Disease Risk Factors - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stuff, J.E., Casey, P.H., Connell, C., Champagne, C.M., Gossett, J.M., Harsha, D., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Robbins, J.M., Simpson, P.M., Szeto, K.L., Weber, J.L., Bogle, M.L. 2007. Household food insecurity and obesity, chronic disease, and chronic disease risk factors. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. 1(2):43-62.
Lower Mississippi Delta supermarket food prices compare favorably with national prices - (Abstract)
Yadrick, K., Simpson, P., Gossett, J., Connell, C., McGee, B., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Bogle, M.L. 2006. Lower Mississippi Delta supermarket food prices compare favorably with national prices [abstract]. Proceedings of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. p. 259.
Lower Mississippi Delta Supermarket Food Prices Compare Favorably with National Prices - (Abstract)
Yadrick, K., Simpson, P., Gossett, J., Connell, C., McGee, B., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Bogle, M.L. 2006. Lower Mississippi Delta supermarket food prices compare favorably with national prices. In: Proceedings of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, July 13-16, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts. p. 259.
The Association of Child and Household Food Insecurity With Childhood Overweight Status. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Casey, P.H., Simpson, P.M., Gossett, J.M., Bogle, M.L., Champagne, C.M., Connell, C., Harsha, D., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Robbins, J.M., Stuff, J.E., Weber, J. 2006. The association of child and household food insecurity with childhood overweight status. Pediatrics. 118(5):e1406-e1413.
Are Current Food Choices Contributing to Health Problems in the Lower Mississippi Delta of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi? - (Abstract)
Strickland, E., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Staggs, C.G., Bogle, M.L. 2006. Are current food choices contributing to health problems in the Lower Mississippi Delta of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi [abstract]? Proceedings of International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. p. 258.
Beyond Nutrient Assessment: Psychosocial Influences on Dietary Intake - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Staggs, C.G., Norris, T., Strickland, E., Bogle, M.L. 2006. Beyond nutrient assessment: Psychosocial influences on dietary intake [abstract]. Annual Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods. 12(06):120.
Does Diagnosis of Osteoporosis Increase Musculoskeletal Nutrient Index Scores in Older Adults? - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Staggs, C.G., Sharkey, J.R., Champagne, C.M., Allen, R., Bogle, M.L. 2006. Does diagnosis of osteoporosis increase musculoskeletal nutrient index scores in older adults [abstract]? Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 20(5):A992.
Will Try: a Willingness to Try New Foods Instrument for Rural Parents and Children. - (Abstract)
Staggs, C.G., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Norris, T., Bogle, M.L. 2006. WillTry: a willingness to try new foods instruments for rural parents and children [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 20(4):A175.
Low Whole Grain Food Availability in Three Lower Mississippi Delta communities - (Abstract)
Staggs, C.G., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Thompson, V.J., Bogle, M.L. 2006. Low whole grain food availability in three Lower Mississippi Delta communities [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 20(4):A599.
Low Fruit and Vegetable Availability in Two Small, Rural Lower Mississippi Delta Communities - (Abstract)
Thompson, V.J., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Staggs, C.G., Strickland, E., Bogle, M.L. 2006. Low fruit and vegetables availability in two small, rural Lower Mississippi Delta communities [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 20(4):A552.
Tyramine in Foods and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor Drugs: a Crossroad Where Medicine, Nutrition, Pharmacy, and Food Industry Converge. - (Literature)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Staggs, C.G., Bogle, M.L. 2006. Tyramine in foods and monoamine oxidase inhibitor drugs: a crossroad where medicine, nutrition, pharmacy, and food industry converge. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 19(S1):S58-S64.
Diuretic Medication Therapy Use and Low Thiamin Intake in Homebound Older Adults - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Sharkey, J.R., Browne, B.A. 2006. Diuretic medication therapy use and low thiamin intake in homebound older adults. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly. 24(4):57-71.
Assessment of the Stability of Biotin in Frozen Foods - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (15-Jun-05)
Whole Grain Food Product Availability in the Lower Mississippi Delta and the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans - (Abstract)
Staggs, C.G., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Yadrick, M.K., Gossett, J., Bogle, M.L. 2005. Whole grain food product availability in the Lower Mississippi Delta and the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans [abstract]. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 105(8):60(Suppl.1).
Capacity Building of Communities and Academia in the Research Process in the Lower Mississippi Delta Nutrition Intervention Research Initiative (Niri) - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Prewitt, E., Strickland, E., McGee, B., Hyman, E., Bogle, M.L. 2005. Capacity building of communities and academia in the research process in the Lower Mississippi Delta Nutrition Intervention Research Initiative (NIRI) [abstract]. Proceedings of International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. p. 89-90.
Community Readiness for Nutrition and Physical Activity Intervention Research - (Abstract)
Hyman, E.G., Mccabe Sellers, B.J., Strickland, E., Prewitt, T.E., Staggs, C.G., Bogle, M.L. 2005. Meeting Proceedings ofCommunity readiness for nutrition and physical activity intervention research. Meeting Proceedings of International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.4:90.
Linking Service and Nutrition Research: An Approach to Community Engagement in Community Based Participatory Research - (Abstract)
Prewitt, T.E., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Strickland, E., Bogle, M.L., Hyman, E.G., Mcgee, B. 2005. Linking service and nutrition research: an approach to community engagement in community based participatory research [abstract]. Proceedings of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. p. 156.
Community Resource Assessment: Building Community Capacity for Nutrition Intervention Research - (Abstract)
Strickland, E., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Hyman, E., McGee, B., Prewitt, E., Bogle, M.L. 2005. Community resource assessment: building community capacity for nutrition intervention research [abstract]. Proceedings of International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. p. 160.
Scientific Sampling in Small Rural Community Participatory Research - (Abstract)
Simpson, P., Jo, C., Gossett, J., Santell, R., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Bogle, M.L. 2005. Scientific sampling in small rural community participatory research [abstract]. Proceedings of International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. p. 162.
Assessment of Histamine Content in Foods - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Staggs, C.G., Bogle, M.L. 2005. Assessment of histamine content in foods [abstract]. Proceedings of 29th National Nutrient Databank Conference. Abstract No. 4, p. 2.
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in the Elderly - (Book/Chapter)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Johnston, R. 2006. Health promotion and disease prevention in the elderly. In: Chernoff, R., editor. Geriatric Nutrition: The Health Professional's Handbook. 3rd Edition. Sudbury, MA:Jones and Bartlett, Inc. p. 519-557.
Summing Nutrients for Bone Health - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Sharkey, J.R., Champagne, C.M., Staggs, C.G., Bogle, M.L. 2005. Summing nutrients for bone health [abstract]. Proceedings of Society for Nutrition Education. 37:S29.
The Role of the United States Department of Agriculture (Usda) in Public Health Nutrition - (Book/Chapter)
Mccabe Sellers, B.J., Bogle, M.L. 2006. The role of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in public health nutrition. In: Edelstein, S.Nutrition in Public Health, A Handbook for Developing Programs and Services. 2nd edition. Sudbury,MA: Jones and Bartlett. p. 267-292.
Attitudes Toward Diet of Older Adults in the Lower Mississippi Delta (Lmd)are Not Always Consistent with Dietary Intake - (Abstract)
Johnson, G.S., Mcgee, B., Gossett, J., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Simpson, P., Bogle, M.L. 2005. Attitudes toward diet of older adults in the Lower Mississippi Delta (LMD) are not always consistent with dietary intake [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 19(5):A1700.
Food Security and Weight Status in Lower Mississippi River Delta Children - (Abstract)
Harsha, D., Connell, C., Champagne, C., Casey, P., Robbins, J., Simpson, P., Stuff, J., Weber, J., McCabe-Sellers, B.J., Szeto, K., Gossett, J., Bogle, M.L. 2005. Food security and weight status in Lower Mississippi River Delta children [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 19(5):A1023.
Household Food Insecurity and Adult Chronic Disease in the Lower Mississippi Delta - (Abstract)
Stuff, J.E., Casey, P.H., Szeto, K., Gossett, J., Weber, J., Simpson, P., Champagne, C., Connell, C., Harsha, D., Robbins, J., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Bogle, M.L. 2005. Household food insecurity and adult chronic disease in the Lower Mississippi Delta [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 19(5):A986.
Food Choices and Nutrient Densities: What Are the Realities of Food Types? - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Champagne, C.M., Staggs, C.G., Allen, R., Bogle, M.L. 2005. Food choices and nutrient densities: What are the realities of food types [abstract]? Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 19(4):A88.
"'Got Milk?' We Do!" the Changing Face of Where Rural America Shops for Food - (Abstract)
McCabe-Sellers, B.J., Staggs, C.G., Crawford, T., Wallace, R.L., Talbot, J.C., Bogle, M.L. 2005. "'Got Milk?' We Do!" The changing face of where rural America shops for food [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 19(5):A1697.
Milk Availability in the Lower Mississippi Delta - (Abstract)
Staggs, C.G., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Yadrick, K., Bogle, M.L. 2005. Milk availability in the lower Mississippi Delta. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 19(5):A-1020. Abstract 594-4.
A Qualitative Tool for Assessing Community Readiness for Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions: a Component of Community-Based Participatory Research. - (Abstract)
Hyman, E.N., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Strickland, E., Staggs, C.G., Bogle, M.L. 2005. A qualitative tool for assessing community readiness for nutrition and physical activity interventions: A component of community-based participatory research [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 19(5):A1456.
Expanding and Enhancing Partnerships Between Research and Service - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Bogle, M.L., Russell, L., Murphy, E., Howell, B., Prewitt, T. 2004. Expanding and enhancing partnerships between research and service. Proceedings of Overcoming Health Disparities: Global Experiences from Partnerships between Health Services and Health Professional Schools. 165.
Food Safety: Emerging Trends in Foodborne Illness Surveillance and Prevention. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
McCabe-Sellers, B.J., Beattie, S.E. 2004. Food safety: Emerging trends in foodborne illness surveillance and prevention. Journal of The American Dietetic Association. 104:1708-1717.
The Role of the United States Department of Agrigulture (Usda) in Public Health, a Handbook for Developing Programs and Services - (Book/Chapter)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Bogle, M.L. 2006. The role of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in public health, a handbook for developing programs and services. In: Edelstein, S., editor. Nutrition in Public Health: a Handbook for Developing Programs and Services. 2nd edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. p. 267-292.
'telling It Like It Is': Comprehensive Assessment of Rural Communities for Food and Nutrition Intervention Planning - (Abstract)
Bogle, M.L., Strickland, E., Yadrick, K., Champagne, C., Mcgee, B., Casey, P., Mccabe Sellers, B.J. 2004. 'Telling it like it is': Comprehensive assessment of rural communities for food and nutrition intervention planning. Meeting Proceedings.
Do Older Adults Need Closer Monitoring of Dietary B Vitamins Intake? - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Sharkey, J.R. 2004. Do older adults need closer monitoring of dietary b vitamins intake? Journal of The American Dietetic Association. 104(8) suppl 2:A-11.
Lessons Learned from Establishing Community Partnerships in Rural Mississippi Delta Communities - (Abstract)
Strickland, E., McCabe-Sellers, B., Bogle, M., Hyman, E., McGee, B., Yadrick, K., Casey, P., Simpson, P., Champagne, C., Santell, R. 2004. Lessons learned from establishing community partnerships in rural Mississippi Delta communities [abstract]. Third Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. p. 36.
Perceptions of Food Insecurity in the Lower Mississippi Delta: Focus Group Findings - (Abstract)
Richardson, V., Johnson, G., Thornton, A., Johnson, C., Yadrick, K., Ndirangu, M., Goolsby, S., Groves, D., Simpson, P., Hyman, E., Strickland, E., Stigger, F., Kramer, T., Bogle, M., McCabe-Sellers, B. 2004. Perceptions of food insecurity in the Lower Mississippi Delta: Focus group findings [abstract]. Third Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. p. 52.
Self-Reported Variance from Usual Amount of Food in 24-Hour Recall Telephone Survey - (Abstract)
McCabe-Sellers, B.J., Simpson, P.M., Gossett, J., Bogle, M.L. 2004. Self-reported variance from usual amount of food in 24-hour recall telephone survey [abstract]. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 36(Supplement 1):S31.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: What Are the Health Impacts? - (Abstract) - (31-Mar-04)
Biogenic Amines in Foods and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor Drugs: a Crossroad Where Medicine, Nutrition, Pharmacy, and Food Industry Converge. - (Abstract)
McCabe-Sellers, B.J., Staggs, C., Bogle, M.L. 2004. Biogenic amines in foods and monoamine oxidase inhibitor drugs: A crossroad where medicine, nutrition, pharmacy, and food industry converge [abstract]. 28th National Nutrient Databank Conference, June 23-26, 2004, Iowa City, Iowa. Available:
Prevention of Food-Drug Interactions with Special Emphasis on Older Adults - (Review Article)
McCabe, B.J. 2004. Prevention of food-drug interactions with special emphasis on older adults. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 7:21-26.
Food Security and Weight Status in Lower Mississippi River Delta Children - (Abstract)
Harsha, D., Connell, C., Champagne, C., Casey, P., Robbins, J., Simpson, P., Stuff, J., Weber, J., McCabe-Sellers, B., Szeto, K., Gossett, J., Kramer, T., Bogle, M. 2004. Food security and weight status in Lower Mississippi River Delta children [abstract]. Pediatric Research. 55(4):173A.
Biotin Is Stable in Frozen Foods. - (Abstract)
Teague, A.M., Sealey, W.M., McCable-Sellers, B.J., Mock, D.M. 2004. Biotin is stable in frozen foods [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 18(4):A143.
Healthy Eating Index Differences in Food Secure and Food Insecure Households in the Lower Mississippi Delta Region - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B.J., Simpson, P., Bowman, S.A., Gossett, J.M., Szeto, K.L., Champagne, C.M., Bogle, M. 2004. Healthy Eating Index differences in food secure and food insecure households in the Lower Mississippi Delta region [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 18(4):A109.
Lifestyles and Habits Relating to Intake and Dietary Quality of Adults in the Lower Mississippi Delta - (Abstract)
McGee, B.B., Gossett, J.M., Simpson, P., McCabe-Sellers, B., Johnson, G.S., Richardson, V., Bogle, M. 2004. Lifestyles and habits relating to intake and dietary quality of adults in the Lower Mississippi Delta [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 18(5):A885.
Are Children in the Lower Mississippi Delta Protected from the C0nsequences of Food Insecurity? - (Abstract)
Robbins, J.M., Casey, P., Szeto, K., Jo, C., Simpson, P., Stuff, J., Weber, J., Connell, C., Champagne, C., Harsha, D., McCabe Sellers, B., Bogle, M.L. 2004. Are children in the Lower Mississippi Delta protected from the consequences of food insecurity [abstract]? Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 18(4):A513.
Household Food in Insecurity Status and Adult Obesity - (Abstract)
Casey, P.H., Szeto, K., Gossett, J., Simpson, P., Stuff, J., Weber, J., Connell, C., Champagne, C., Harsha, D., Robbins, J., McCabe Sellers, B.J., Bogle, M.L. 2004. Household food in insecurity status and adult obesity [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 18(4):A109.
Diuretic Therapy Use Increases the Risk for Low Thiamin Intake in Homebound Elders - (Abstract)
McCabe Sellers, B., Sharkey, J.R. 2004. Diuretic therapy use increases the risk for low thiamin intake in homebound elders [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 18(4):A95.
Is Availability of Low-Fat Milk a Problem in Rural Communities? - (Abstract)
McCabe, B.J., Baldwin, C., Strasner, M., Aylor, E. 2004. Is availability of low-fat milk a problem in rural communities [abstract]? XIV International Congress of Dietetics. Available:\
Determination of the Biotin Content of Select Foods Using Accurate and Sensitive Hplc/avidin Binding - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Staggs, C.G., Sealey, W.M., McCabe, B.J., Mock, D.M. 2004. Determination of the biotin content of select foods using accurate and sensitive HPLC/avidin binding. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 17(2004):767-776.
Transdermal Selegiline and Dietary Tyramine: Is There a Concern? - (Abstract)
McCabe, B.J., Gurley, B.J. 2003. Transdermal selegiline and dietary tyramine: Is there a concern [abstract]? Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 103(9):(Suppl 1)A25.

Last Modified: 05/12/2009
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