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 Air Pollution Control Technology Center
 Verified Technologies

  The Air Pollution Control Technology Center has verified technologies in
the categories listed below. Each category may include a variety of
documents, such as verification reports and statements, test/quality
assurance plans, and verification protocols.

Mike Kosusko, EPA Project Officer (919) 541-2734
Jenia Tufts, RTI International (919) 485-2698

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Baghouse Filtration Products

Technology Brief: Baghouse Filtration Products (PDF) (2 pp, 272 KB) November 2006

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
Verification Protocol
Donaldson Company, Inc.
Tetratec #6255 Filtration Media
Report (PDF) (22 pp, 305 KB) September 2007
Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 202 KB)
Baghouse Filtration Products (PDF) (85 pp, 1.03 MB) February 2006 Generic Verification Protocol for Baghouse Filtration Products (PDF) (44 pp, 788 KB) October 2001
Donaldson Company, Inc.
Tetratec #6255-3 Filtration Media
Report (PDF) (22 pp, 355 KB) November 2008
Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 256 KB)
Donaldson Co., Inc.
6277 Filtration Media
Report (PDF) (22 pp, 320 KB) May 2007
Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 148 KB)
Donaldson Co., Inc.
6282 Filtration Media
Report (PDF) (22 pp, 336 KB) July 2007
Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 156 KB)
Southern Filter Media, LLC
PE-16/M-SPES Filter Sample
Report (PDF) (22 pp, 328 KB) February 2007
Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 200 KB)
TDC Filter Manufacturing, Inc. SB025 Filtration Media Report (PDF) (23 pp, 325 KB) November 2008
Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 225 KB)
W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. L3650 Filter Sample Report (PDF) (23 pp, 412 KB) July 2006
Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 236 KB)

Expired verifications for baghouse filtration products

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Dust Suppression and Soil Stabilization Products

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
Verification Protocol
Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.
Report (PDF) (51 pp, 924 KB) January 2006
Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 60 KB)

Dust Suppressant Products at Maricopa County, Arizona (PDF) (74 pp, 788 KB) July 2003

Dust Suppressant Products at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri (PDF) (76 pp, 356 KB) July 2003

Generic Verification Protocol for Dust Suppression and Soil Stabilization Product, September 2004

Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.

Report (PDF) (51 pp, 1.42 MB) January 2006
Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 60 KB)
North American Salt Co.
Report (PDF) (33 pp, 352 KB) January 2006
Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 44 KB)
SynTech Products Corp.
Report (PDF) (26 pp, 680 KB) January 2006
Statement (PDF) (3 pp, 44 KB)
SynTech Products Corp.
Report (PDF) (26 pp, 312 KB) January 2006
Statement (PDF) (3 pp, 48 KB)

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Emulsified Fuels

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
Verification Protocol
A-55 Limited Partnership
A-55 Clean Fuels in a Firetube Boiler
Report (PDF) (60 pp, 960 KB) April 1998
Statement (PDF) (3 pp, 44 KB)
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Verification Testing of Emulsified Oil (PDF)(37 pp, 172 MB) June 1997 Not applicable.

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Indoor Air Quality Products

Technology Brief: Green Building Technologies (PDF) (2 pp, 256 KB) October 2006

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
Verification Protocol
American Ultraviolet Corp. DC24-6-120 Biological Inactivation Efficiency by HVAC In-Duct Ultraviolet Light Systems Report (PDF) (18 pp, 312 KB) January 2008
Statement (PDF) (3 pp, 72 KB)
Biological and Aerosol Testing of General Ventilation Air Cleaners (PDF) (41 pp, 328 KB) August 2006

Supplement to Text/QA Plan for Biological and Aerosol Testing of General Ventilation Air Cleaners, Bioaerosol Inactivation Efficiency by HVAC In-Duct Ultraviolet Light Air Cleaners (PDF) (30 pp, 432 KB) December 2007
Generic Verification Protocol for Biological and Aerosol Testing of General Ventilation Air Cleaners (PDF) (33 pp, 392 KB) August 2006
Emissions of VOCs and Aldehydes From Commercial Furniture Report (PDF) (22 pp, 236 KB) September 1999 Test Plan, Emissions of VOCs and Aldehydes From Commercial Furniture (PDF) (8 pp, 48 KB) September 1999

Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions of VOCs and Aldehydes From Commercial Furniture (PDF) (19 pp, 96 KB) September 1999
Large-Chamber Test Protocol for Measuring Emissions of VOCs and Aldehydes (PDF) (35 pp, 272 KB) September 1999
General Ventilation Filters Report (PDF) (26 pp, 240 KB) September 1999 Test Plan, General Ventilation Filters (PDF) (7 pp, 48 KB) September 1999

Quality Assurance Project Plan, General Ventilation Filters (PDF) (18 pp, 100 KB) September 1999

Test Method, General Ventilation Filters (PDF) (28 pp, 304 KB) September 1999
General Ventilation Filters (PDF) (12 pp, 92 KB) September 1999

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Mobile Sources Devices

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
Verification Protocol
Clean Clear Fuel Technologies, Inc.
Universal Fuel Cell
Report (PDF) (26 pp, 816 KB) February 2005 Diesel Exhaust Catalysts, Particulate Filters, and Engine Modification Control Technologies for Highway and Non-Road Use Diesel Engines (PDF) (19 pp, 660 KB) April 2002 Generic Verification Protocol for Diesel Exhaust Catalysts, Particulate Filters, and Engine Modification Control Technologies for Highway and Non-Road Use Diesel Engines (PDF) (48 pp, 572 KB) January 2002
Clean Diesel Technologies, Inc.
Fuel-Borne Catalyst With CleanAir System's Diesel Oxidation Catalysts
Report (PDF) (27 pp, 648 KB) February 2004
Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 68 KB)
Clean Diesel Technologies, Inc.
Fuel-Borne Catalyst With Mitsui/PUREarth Catalyzed Wire Mesh Filter
Report (PDF) (28 pp, 672 KB) August 2004
Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 76 KB)
Cummins Emission Solutions & Cummins Filtration
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst and Closed Crankcase Ventilation System

Report (PDF) (30 pp, 672 KB) June 2007
Statement (PDF) (3 pp, 36 KB)

Donaldson Co., Inc.
Series 6000 Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Muffler and Spiracle Closed Crankcase Filtration System
Report (PDF) (30 pp, 792 KB) September 2003
Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 72 KB)
Donaldson Co., Inc.
Series 6100 Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Muffler
Report (PDF) (28 pp, 616 KB) September 2003
Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 64 KB)
Donaldson Co., Inc.
Series 6100 Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Muffler and Spiracle Closed Crankcase Filtration System
Report (PDF) (31 pp, 732 KB) September 2003
Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 68 KB)
Johnson Matthey
PCRT2@ 1000, Version 2, Filter + Diesel Oxidation Catalyst
Report (PDF) (29 pp, 673 KB) March 2009
Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 112 KB)
Lubrizol Engine Control Systems
Purifilter SC17L
Report (PDF) (30 pp, 984 KB) June 2004
Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 80 KB)
Paceco Corp.
Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Diesel Particulate Filter
Report (PDF) (33 pp, 968 KB) January 2006
Statement (PDF) (3 pp, 56 KB)
PUREM North America, LLC
PMF GreenTec 1004205.00.0 Diesel Particulate Filter
Report (PDF) (28 pp, 592 KB) April 2007
Statement (PDF) (3 pp, 112 KB)

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Mobile Sources Fuels

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
Verification Protocol
Flint Hills Resources, LP
CCD15010 Diesel Fuel Formulation With HiTEC4121 Additive
Report (PDF) (29 pp, 684 KB) May 2007
Statement (PDF) (3 pp, 56 KB)
Alternative or Reformulated Liquid Fuels, Fuel Additives, Fuel Emulsions, and Lubricants for Highway and Non-Road Use Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines and Light-Duty Gasoline Engines and Vehicles (PDF) (26 pp, 372 KB) November 2006 Determination of Emissions Reductions Obtained by Use of Alternative or Reformulated Liquid Fuels, Fuel Additives, Fuel Emulsions, and Lubricants for Highway and Non-Road Use Diesel Engines and Light-Duty Gasoline Engines and Vehicles (PDF) (67 pp, 1.07 MB) September 2003

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Mobile Sources Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
Verification Protocol

  Selective Catalytic Reduction Control Technologies for Highway, Non-Road, and Stationary Use Diesel Engines (PDF) (26 pp, 652 KB) November 2006 Determination of Emissions Reductions From Selective Catalytic Reduction Control Technologies for Highway, Non-Road, and Stationary Use Diesel Engines (PDF) (42 pp, 556 KB) September 2003

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Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Control Technologies for Stationary Sources

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
Verification Protocol
Catalytica Energy Systems, Inc.
Xonon Flameless Combustion System
Report (PDF) (42 pp, 944 KB) December 2000
Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 76 KB)
Catalytica Combustion System, Inc., Xonon Flameless Combustion System (PDF) (91 pp, 1.21 MB) July 2000 NOx Control Technologies for Stationary Combustion Sources (PDF) (71 pp, 1.1 MB) August 2000

Generic Verification Protocol for Add-On NOx Control Technologies Utilizing Ozone Injection for Stationary Combustion Sources (PDF) (69 pp, 1.06 MB) February 2000

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Outdoor Wood-Fired Hydronic Heaters

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
Verification Protocol

  Not applicable. Determination of Emissions from Outdoor Wood-Fired Hydronic Heaters (PDF) (17 pp, 123 KB) June 2008

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Paint Overspray Arrestors (inactive)

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
Verification Protocol

  Paint Overspray Arrestors (PDF) (61 pp, 988 KB) February 1999 Generic Verification Protocol for Paint Overspray Arrestors (PDF) (31 pp, 388 KB) August 1999

Expired verifications for paint overspray arrestors

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Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Emission Control Technologies

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
Verification Protocol

  Not applicable. Bioreaction System Control Technologies for Volatile Organic Compound Emissions (PDF) (54 pp, 572 KB) September 2003

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