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EDG Data Set Name Granule Shortname
MODIS/Terra Vegetation Cover Conversion 96-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid MOD44A

Version Acquisition Range Science Quality Status
V003 April 7, 2002 (2002097) - October 16, 2002 (2002289) Beta
V004 January 1, 2002 (2002001) No status available

Terra/MODIS Product

Data Set Characteristics
Area = ~ 10° x 10° lat/long
Image Dimensions Metrics = 3 (4800X4800X12 row/column/metric)
Image Dimensions Change = 2 (4800x4800 row/column)
Average File Size = ~ 600 MB
Resolution = 250 meters
Projection = Sinusoidal
Data Format = HDF-EOS
Science Data Sets (SDSs) = 5

Product Description
The MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Vegetation Cover Conversion (VCC) product is produced on a quarterly basis comparing data from the 3 months of the current year to the same 3 months of the previous year. The input for the quarterly VCC is an intermediately produced 250m resolution composite derived from 16 days of daily data by performing a quality based per pixel method, which selects the most cloud free data. Each of these composites is processed separately and change is detected by comparison of the images.

The MODIS/Terra Vegetation Cover Conversion Quarterly L3 Global 250m SIN Grid product, MOD44A, currently reports only change from forest to non-forest (deforestation) for the humid tropical regions of the globe (30 deg N latitude to 30 deg S. latitude). In future versions change will be reported for deforestation for the rest of the globe and for flooding on a global scale. Forest cover is defined by using the Vegetation Continuous Fields product (MOD44B) and considering anything with 60% tree cover or more to be forest. This is consistent with the IGBP classification of a forest. Non-forest is defined as less than 40% tree cover. Any pixel that was identified as forest in year 1 and was then identified as non-forest in year 2 is flagged and recorded in one of the metrics layers. When all of the 16-day periods have been processed the metrics (intermediate classification comparison) layers are compared. Any pixel that has been flagged in at least 2 of the metrics layers is recorded in the "labeled land cover change" layer. Categorical quality assurance, determined by the quality of the input data, is provided in the "labeled land cover change QA" layer. For specific information regarding values refer to the product user guide.

The MOD44A imagery above indicates vegetative cover conversion in the state of Mato Grosso in Brazil. The visualization is a 250m resolution subset from tile h12v10 depicting a reduction in tree cover from 2001 and 2002. The far right image is a representation of the MOD44A product, in which pixels experiencing significant change are identified explicitly.

NOTE: These products are Validated, Stage 1, meaning that product accuracy has been estimated using a small number of independent measurements obtained from selected locations and time periods and ground-truth/field program effort.

Valid Range: 0 - 255
0: No change detected
1: Tree Cover Change
255. Fill

SDS Data Type Fill Value Valid Range
Land Cover Change Metrics Past 1 Year 16-bit unsigned integer 0 0 - 65535
Labeled Land Cover Change Past 1 Year 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0 - 255
Labeled Land Cover Change Past 1 Year QA 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0 - 255
Algorithm Path Past 1 Year 16-bit unsigned integer 0 0 - 65535

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Retrieve the MOD44Av4 MODIS product through the LP DAAC Data Pool
Via Search Tool: http://e4eil01u.ecs.nasa.gov:22000/WebAccess/drill?attrib=esdt&esdt=MOD44A.4&group=MOLT
Via FTP Directory: ftp://e4ftl01u.ecs.nasa.gov/MOLT/MOD44A.004/

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Data Center: LPDAAC
Sensor: MODIS
Dataset: MODIS/Terra Vegetation Cover Conversion 96-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid
Geographic Extent: Type Lat/Long Range or Draw on Map
Temporal Extent: January 1, 2001 (2001001) - present

Product Information
Product Description
User Guide
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)
MODIS Standard Data Products Catalog
EOS Data Products Handbook Volume 1 (2000)

Contact Information
LP DAAC User Services
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
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URL: http://LPDAAC.usgs.gov/modis/mod44av4.asp
Technical Contact: LPDAAC@eos.nasa.gov
Last Update: Monday, August 29, 2005
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