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Partner Profile

Kettle Foods
Location Salem, OR
Organization Type Food & Beverage
Percentage Green Power 100%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Kettle Foods, makers of great tasting, all-natural, better-for-you snack foods, is excited to be part of the EPA Green Power Partnership (GPP) and is committed to the purchase and production of renewable energy. Besides the 114 kW solar array atop its headquarters in Salem, OR, the company now purchases 100 percent wind power for its electrical use in Salem, OR and Beloit, WI. Also, a series of 18 wind turbines at its LEED® Gold certified production plant in Beloit produce 28,000 kWh of power annually. Kettle Foods' used vegetable oil goes to biodiesel production and the company runs three fleet vehicles on B-99 biodiesel. Kettle Foods continues to look for ways to offset its impacts and create partnerships such as the GPP to help in those efforts.

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