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Partner Profile

Hotchkiss School
Location Lakeville, CT
Organization Type Education (K-12)
Percentage Green Power 22%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Founded in 1891, The Hotchkiss School is an independent boarding secondary school on an 810-acre campus in northwestern Connecticut. In 2004, Hotchkiss made a three-year commitment to purchase 7.5 percent of its electricity in the form of wind power; in 2007, the School increased that commitment to 22 percent. In addition, the School recently competed in the Green Cup Challenge, an annual competition among independent schools with a goal of reducing energy consumption on campus. Led by Students for Environmental Awareness and supported by the School's administration, Hotchkiss reduced energy consumption by 7.5 percent between January 27 and February 29, 2008. One of the leaders of Students for Environmental Awareness exemplifies the impact that the School's commitment to environmental responsibility has on future leaders. As the Green Cup Challenge came to a close, she said "The spirit of the Green Cup lies not in the competition factor, but in the desire of communities to raise awareness about environmental problems, raise the level of public discussion, and, most importantly, change behavior patterns. Every person has the ability to effect change, however small, and we have no excuse to not do so."

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