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Partner Profile

City of Boston, MA
Location Boston, MA
Organization Type Govt. (Local, Municipal)
Percentage Green Power 12%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
The City of Boston joined the Green Power Partnership in 2005 and is purchasing more than 21 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of wind-generated green power. "I'm proud that Boston is among the largest local government purchasers in EPA's Green Power Partnership; this is a huge honor," Mayor Thomas M. Menino said. "Our green power purchase demonstrates our commitment to clean energy strategies that improve our environment and the quality of life in all of our neighborhoods." The City of Boston is also a leader in promoting renewable energy generation through its Solar Boston program. In the past year, solar installations went from .4 MW to 1.8 MW citywide, while the City of Boston is planning on installing a .5 MW of PV on four municipal buildings. The City has already install a small-scale wind turbine on the roof of Boston City Hall, and is reviewing proposals for larger turbines at up to four Boston Public Schools. Additionally, the City of Boston is taking new steps to advance wind power development in the city and the region by adopting wind zoning regulations for private projects.

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